Chris Rock's Hosting

I think Chris Rock was such a terrible host, wasn't he?

Billy Crystal was so much better last year.

Please, dear Academy, never ever Chris Rock.


Chris Rocks was at his worst.Too bad.Obviously the leash 'they' put on him was too tight.Not entirely his fault though.Someone as edgy as Chris is being done a disservice when he's in that venue.They even had a leash on Robin Williams...the tape across his mouth was a good touch but sad to see him have to reign in his talent.After all, isn't this edginess the reason we all want to see Chris and Robin? Billy Crystal is a much 'safer' choice for the Academy.


I liked Rock, and to be honest, I'm tired of Billy Crystal. The Oscars need to be hip and fresh. Or they will continue to lose audience. I admit, I really only watched this year because Rock was in it (and I love MDB and wanted to see that movie win).

He wasn't as good as he usually was, but my gut was hurtin' during his monologue. I though it was hilarious. After that though, he wasn't good. He had no good quips except the bit about drive thru oscars.


At least Chris Rock did not get punched by Will Smith at this Oscar ceremony. Since he hosted twice, I wonder if he will host again.
