thewaitress's Replies

These days, you can't be sure! All good, you can call me sweetie or fella. I won't mind. youre so good to me! :) oh my, thank you! All woman, 8. Thank you! I always enjoy your posts. thank youu! :D I'm all woman, you can ask charliekelly. I always assume its meant for my eyes only. Aw! Thanks so much for this DF :) Extremely nice of you and I'm undeserving of such flattery. I'm not much of a runner but I'll walk this lap and wave! How so? Next time I have a few drinks, I'm going to listen to some Dream On & I Don't Want to Miss a Thing and have the best (worst) homemade karaoke session ever. I noticed that earlier, thought to myself you are talking too much shit! Thanks though DF, I appreciate a genuine congrats :) :D When was this? I don't think I was around then. Shame I missed out! I'm 99% positive that he was posting song lyrics and I was responding with the next verse but you know better than I do.. I was wanting boys to look at my body when I was seventeen so if I looked like her, I would have totally been an Angel if given the opportunity. To answer your question, No I don't think she is too young. 15 would be too young in my eyes. never never land, it may be miles beyond the moon or right where you stand just keep an open mind "I'm never coming out!" - I love that episode In this day and age, I'd be LUCKY to even look at her without having to sign a legal consent form. wellllllll then! HELLLO. I'm clearly an idiot for thinking she looked like the thing outta The Grudge. Just have to hold her head still. I couldn't see myself doing it any other way.