Don't forget that the night of the corpuscular male came with its share of controversy....
We too shall overcome this😉
shareWe too shall overcome this😉
shareWhen was this? I don't think I was around then. Shame I missed out!
shareNo...unfortunately you were not...BUT HOLD THE PHONE!!! You past 500 just lost your newbness!!! Congrats!!!
shareI noticed that earlier, thought to myself you are talking too much shit! Thanks though DF, I appreciate a genuine congrats :)
shareOh it gets better!👍😄
shareHow so?
shareGeneral discussion sweetness! You presence is requested!
shareSo they tell me you're a dude...sorry for the Hun and sweetness...guess that shirtless mowing should have clued me in... just thought you were free spirited...DOH!
shareI'm all woman, you can ask charliekelly.
shareCharlie just hipped me to that...and all I can say is WHEW! I've had an unfortunate history around here of getting it wrong😉