Big Foot

Mr.Dazed has a mild obsession with Big Foot.
He watches every bloody awful documentary he can, usually featuring people who look like they've just stepped out of Deliverance, claiming to have seen one /captured one/recorded one making "Big Foot" noises.

None of it is very convincing but, bless him he wants so much to believe.

What mythical creature do you wish was real?


Compassionate republicans😉 just kidding people!


Aw DF what for you gone done politicised my three'ad?


That's like the tird time you made me do a spit take lately! Good job Dazed!!!


I'm open to the possibility of bigfoot. Not as a monster, but as an undiscovered species. Maybe they dwell in the mountainous areas of the Himalaya's, especially Bhutan.

One thing that is always surprising, mountain gorillas weren't discovered until 1902!


I love that you say undiscovered species. One of my pet hates is "a new species of ... has been discovered" I always shout at the screen "It's not new it's undiscovered!"

Yes, it would be great if there were some truth in the idea of Big Foot, I'm fairly sure my man is convinced on some level! Would you think they were some sort of giant ape?

1902? That is surprising.


If bigfoot was ever discovered, I would think more likely than not it would have ape DNA.

Yes, if I remember correctly, lowland gorillas were well known and described by explorers over the centuries, but the Mountain Gorilla wasn't discovered until 1902 by a German Officer named Captain Robert Von Beringes. This is where the Mountain Gorillas scientific name came from - Gorilla beringei beringei


That's exactly how I see Bigfoot, as a possible undiscovered species of rare apes. The possibility diminishes year by year, but it's definitely a chance. I've never agreed with the way Bigfoot is lumped in with supernatural phenomena. A large rare ape is entirely plausible.

That being said, I think the documentaries about it are silly. All those TV shows about people looking for Bigfoot. Obviously you're not gonna see anything. If Bigfoot was discovered, we'd know about it long before seeing it in a documentary.


The Minotaur has a really hot body. It's a shame about his face.


Well, you know, you don’t fuck the face.

I imagine he could do amazing things to a woman (or more than one woman at a time) with his horns.

And think about the erotic delights of mating with a centaur. Hung like a horse, indeed. They didn’t call her Catherine the Great for no reason.

In terms of beasties that I wish were real, give me a werewolf. In fact, make me a werewolf, but one who controls when I shift, and I retain my human intellect when in wolf form. What great fun, and also not without erotic possibilities.



Mermaids are quite unpleasant in my local folklore! They make men fall in love with them then drown them!

Unicorns would be cool.



I would love for fairies to be real.
Not the bad ones the good ones.
Would be great help with the housework.

Have Mr. D. watch this.


Fairies are real, I can prove it! I had a letter from the tooth fairy when I was a child. It was very nice.

Where I'm from is rich with folklore, we have a bridge that when you cross it you must say hello to the fairies, if you don't you might find your car breaks down! Again this has been proven many times.


A letter? Really? That's very classy. I think I got a beat up old quarter.

So everybody whose car broke down never said hello. Makes sense then.
Do you have to use their names or will just a "sup fairies" suffice?


You just say "hello fairies" that does the trick.
We also say good day to magpies.


I want the Loch Ness monster to be real.


I came here to say this. When I first saw the legend of Nessie on Unsolved Mysteries, I wanted so badly for this to be real. I think because I like dinosaurs so much and in my 8 year old mind, Nessie was just a living sea dinosaur that liked to say Hi to men in boats.


I’d like to have dragons. Imagine riding a dragon! And imagine what US football would be like if we had Ogres, and they were playing for the teams. They could cover the length of the field in two strides. Not to mention the improved violence they’d bring to the sport. One problem: the losing team might eat the spectators—but think of the TV ratings! Or pro wrestling with Ogres. Lots of possibilities with Ogres.


Ogres and footbal, whoa. Never imagined that! I wouldn't want my bama boys gobbled up by then BUT I would love an ogre or 5 on our defensive line. Really beef up some spots :)
Seeing a dragon in the sky would be magical. Riding a dragon would be scary as hell but you'd feel so powerful.


It’s part of my job to imagine things, and to find a way to make them real, at least real in others’ hearts and minds.

I have a home where dreams are born, and time is never planned. It’s not on any chart; you must find it with your heart: Never-Never Land.


never never land, it may be miles beyond the moon or right where you stand
just keep an open mind


His mind is too cluttered with how to constantly promote an overinflated false image of himself here.


I'm 99% positive that he was posting song lyrics and I was responding with the next verse but you know better than I do..


I do know Kane better than you do.


No. You don’t. She is my friend, and this discussion does not concern you. My name is R_Kane, and that is how people address me. Kane is not my family name. Those who know me know that.


Yes, from the Broadway Show, Peter Pan! I had the Mary Martin LP libretto album when I was 5 years old, and memorized it. What boy would not want to be Peter Pan? Wendy Darling, on the other hand, is a more complex question. How long will she wait for Peter? I’ve not read James M. Barry’s book. My only exposures to Pete Pan are the Disney feature cartoon and Mary Martin’s bravura performance on the network TV production; but, based on my limited knowledge, if I could be anyone whom I want to be, I would be Peter Pan.




You know, you and I are friends, and we understand each other. When I say something to you, it’s meant for you, and perhaps for my other friends, and not for anyone else.


I always assume its meant for my eyes only.




Dragon's yes! A part of me believes they really exist.


Nice one somesunnyday and thewaitress, I was hoping someone would choose Nessie.
Yes if she's anything she's a dinosaur, hopefully there's a whole family of them!


A little dinosaur family! You have just filled my heart with such joy.


The Mongolian Death Worm seems like an interesting species, if real of course. Get a hold of some for my neighbours garden.


I'd never heard of this one, I just asked Mr D if he'd ever heard of it and I kid you not this was his reply.
"Funnily enough I was going to watch something about it last night but then I spotted something about Nazis building a death star so I watched that instead"
Looks like I'm about to be educated soon enough!


Mr D has a good taste in documentaries, pass my regards along to him there. 👍


And now I know what a Mongolian Death Worm is! Documentary watched.




Fascinating subject Lycanthropy


Fascinating creatures,too
