DarthRoger's Replies

The music is mesmerizing. Can't argue with that point. Batty's last words summarize the underlying theme of the movie. It's actually a heartbreaking, beautiful moment. Only if it's from you, since you offered a medal. Deadpool is a comedic character to an extent, with his sarcastic banter and sometimes fatalistic recklessness but he's also a true badass. In the comics, Deadpool would kill an enemy without thinking twice and many times had to be restrained from doing so by other super heros. I could go on about how he's a much, much more serious character than Squirrel Girl but I'm sure others will have comments to your post that will argue additional points. Deadpool is many things but "stupid" is not one of them. I see your points but the improvement with Aquaman, over previous DCEU movies, is still a marked improvement. At least (from what I'm reading in the reviews) it's worth going to see. If it has legs then that would be an added bonus. Guess we will see. I would love to see a Superman and Shazam fight or have them team up against Black Adam and another arch enemy, like Brainiac or even an evil Superman from a parallel universe. That would rock!!! See, I disagree with you ONLY on that last statement. Aquaman is a golden age comics character. In some respects, he's not overly interesting but the key is to tell his story and make him interesting. How many of you would have ever thought that Ant-Man would be a big hit? I thought he'd be okay but even I was delightfully surprised at the way they introduced him and told his story. That's the key - GOOD STORY TELLING. If you have a good story, everything else can fall into place. That's what Snyder's big problem was, he was all visuals with virtually zero story or haphazard story telling at best. Well even if it stays in the upper 70's or low 80's percentile range on RT, it's still a great improvement from the DCEU and currently on par with movies like Ant-Man, The Incredible Hulk, both Thor movies, Iron Man 2 and Captain America: First Avenger. In the original movie, the issue that Darren Cross had was figuring out how to miniaturize organic beings. He's already figured out how to shrink non-biological items (cars, houses, toys) but couldn't uncover how Hank Pym had achieved his breakthrough. He finally "gets it" when he takes a test animal and miniaturizes it, while it's in a case of the shrinking instruments. When he'd tried to previously shrink animals, they always ended up deteriorating into a non-living blob of organic material. The ONLY issue I had with Ant-Man and the Wasp, was when they're in the kids school and he removes his helmet, due to his suit skipping and growing him too large or not shrinking him enough. If you go by the science I reference above and established in the first Ant-Man, he couldn't have taken off his helmet while in a enhanced/diminished size mode. To each their own. I quite enjoyed Man of Steel and thought critics (and some fans) were not fair in their reviews. It was the most enjoyable Superman movie I've seen since the original from 1978. I think taking a different approach to this classic super hero was fine. It was in Batman V Superman where it all went off the rails. I blame that on poor story telling, shoddy producing and on WB not understanding these characters and their appeal to people. I'm a Marvel guy. I make no secret of my preference but I don't hate DC. Spider-man was always my favorite but Batman was a close second. You can go back and look at other posts I've made on this topic. Not a DC hater here, just a CBM lover who expects better. Everyone's taste is different though, I get it. Just seems to me that bleak, dark, stormy and oppressive isn't the tone that they should have gone with for a movie featuring the two biggest bullets in the DC arsenal. Yeah, I don't disagree with your post. Ant-Man and the Wasp was essentially a palate cleanser after the more serious, consequential Avengers: Infinity War. It was certainly a fun movie with a lot of comedic moments and a cool car chase. For pure popcorn entertainment, I'd watch it each time. The only truly serious moment was at the end when Scott Lang gets trapped in the quantum realm. Guess we will see how that plays out in Avengers 4. "Wow... It really IS truth serum." Loved it! You and I come from different worlds is all. I'm closer to my late 40's and I'm guessing you're in your 20's or possibly early 30's. I grew up with shows like the original Battlestar Galactica and Buck Rogers in the 25th Century. They had their moments of camp but they were also well acted shows. For me, The 100 is garbage for the exact reasons I noted. If you like it, then you like it. I stand by my comments. Guess I'm a kid at heart then! Yeah I noticed that also, the dark action sequences. It's WB though, where they like "dark and gritty" all the time now! I think maybe (just maybe), some of the darkened action sequences is due to monster fights happening during an electrical storm (likely caused by Gidorah), volcanic eruptions or (yes) battles at nighttime. There was a scene in the first trailer where Rhodan was flying up against jet fighters during daylight, so maybe there's more scenes during day. We shall see. In the meantime it looks pretty good. Excellent points! You would think they'd look no further than Wonder Woman and how Patty Jenkins and the script writers gave us a strong super hero who's both a woman and has human vulnerabilities. WW was great! Black Widow and Gamora in the MCU have also been portrayed in this manner. When they have examples, why is it so hard to imagine a character with both traits - strength and emotion? It seems they want to make a movie for those who identify from a gender standpoint than a persona standpoint. Guess we will see how audiences react. I think it's a poor concept. I believe they will use her alien life to explain her aloofness/coldness in the movie. Guess they have to do it. If this is so then THANK GOD! My concern is more where they are being prodded and pushed to go, using these less popular characters infused with SJW agendas and pretending they are truly "bad ass" when they are not. Take Miss Marvel for instance. Every comic book lover I know hates that character, yet somehow the media keep referring to her as a "beloved" Marvel heroine. Exactly who loves Kamala Khan? Is it 4 people who live off the New Jersey Turnpike? Seriously! And then Kevin Feige is out there giving interviews, saying she will be in the MCU. I hope it's in a comedic capacity, because her character sucks. Have you seen what she looks like in the comics?!? Also, she in no way could defeat Thanos on her own. Jean Grey could, likely Hela and maybe Rogue could but not Squirrel Girl. Sorry, not buying. It happened in the comics I don't know, Venom is still churning out cash. It's been the surprise hit of 2018. I honestly did not envision Venom breaching more than $500 million at the box office. Nice to be proven wrong. Now Venom has always had a huge comic book fan following and those same fans have been clamoring for seeing him on the big screen since Rami's first Spider-man movie in 2002. Spider-man 3 had a version of Venom but fans didn't seem especially pleased. Compare Venom's following with Captain Marvel. I just don't see that same, large fan following from comic book geeks. Yeah it will be an MCU movie so it will make money, yet it won't match what Venom is pulling in. My thoughts only.