MovieChat Forums > Sandman81 > Replies
Sandman81's Replies
I based it on nothing. Of course it was just a ridiculous plot device to create a female to be a possible love interest for Gordon, as well as the voice of reason at times.
Of course it doesn't make any sense. But lets honest, that's not even the 10th most ridiculous thing in this movie.
Because some countries were still in school at the time, and it would unfair to make them attend, but not the U.S.
He had some great performances when he was the "straight man". Cool Runnings, Only the Lonely, The Great Outdoors, and Rookie of the Year off the top of my head. He still managed to be funny in those roles too.
He wasn't even the best goalie on his team.
Some countries have year round school.
And any country in the southern hemisphere would be in the middle of winter.
They just had to be fair to all the teams.
Never played any organized hockey, and could skate but wouldn't say I was great at it. I could have gotten at least 5.
And even though she is supposed to represent her people, she is unable to connect with them in any tangible way, including her peers. She can put on the face of someone who is nice and cares about people, but really she doesn't and sees herself as above everyone else.
He must be really mad now after this brothers team won a huge game last night and is tied for the lead in their division. And his brother had 90 yards rushing.
And that was the take of everybody who decided they weren't going to like this movie before they watched it.
Fun analogy, but not an apples to apples comparison.
Had the Beatles reunited, people would have expected that it would be for multiple albums and for several tours, for who knows how many years.
The Irishman was a one shot deal, and we all knew that heading in. It was a reunion of all the factors you listed above and everyone accepted that it was the last time we would see these guys together, and in Pesci's case in probably anything. And everyone was just happy to see these guys doing the kind of movie we loved watching them do one last time.
And it was hit when it came out. It had the critical acclaim and Oscar nominations, though no wins. And according to Netflix it was a commercial success as well, although there's no real way of knowing exactly how much. Yes it had its detractors, but for the most part people did like it (96% from critics, 86% audience on Rotten Tomatoes). I wouldn't but to much stock on what people post on this board on the internet in general.
I do agree that it did kind of just come and go.
Macaulay's logic is "He didn't molest me, therefore he never molested anyone."
Chase wrote the scene with the intention that Ralphie had done it. But when they were shooting the final confrontation he told Joey Pants that Ralphie didn't do it. So now you have an actor portraying an innocent man being wrongly accused, but saying and doing everything a guilty man would do. This creates the confusion over the truth that still exist today.
Tony had some old-school mentality when it came to drawing attention to himself. Just like the previous generations, Tony didn't like it when guys did things that would draw extra attention to themselves (like Chris working on movies). Aside from the big house and nice cars Tony didn't spend money in ways that drew attention, and I have a feeling Carmella pressured him into those things. His "consultant" job would cover those. But now not only would he have to justify paying for his daughter to go to Georgetown, but he would have to justify making such a large donation, and he would definitely claim it on his tax forms.
Daniel may have gone to it a little to quickly. He did it early in the match, as opposed to later like he did against Johnny. Perhaps it works better when your opponent is more worn out, and not able to react quicker.
Also it might be a move that works best on an opponent who is not familiar with it. Chozen was trained by Sato who was trained by Miyagi's father so he was probably familiar with the move.
EDIT: It was a terrible kick too. Daniel barely reached Chozen's hip. And he was making a really stupid looking face when he did it too.
He fell on his arse!!!
He fell on his fuckin arse!!!!!
Another thing I just thought of: is this the least amount of sex Bond has ever had in a movie. There's the girl on the boat at the beginning that we can probably fairly assume Bond hooked up with, but that's really it. He might have with Kara at one point, but nothing is ever shown, aside from making out on a farris wheel.
I think it's more against money being the driving force behind scientific discovery, as opposed to the betterment and advancement of human life. When money is the driving force behind something, then people will take short cuts to cut cost, or rush the process without fully understanding the consequences of what they created or how to properly control it.
Not saying people can't make money off their innovations. Of course they can and many have, but it can't be the main reason for doing so.
In Season 5 when Angie thanks Tony for giving her the auto shop, she mentions that "they did a lot of other stuff out of here." and Tony quickly changes the subject. Mostly likely the shop did ok, but Pussy mostly used it as a front to justify his life style to the IRS.
Pussy probably got into heroin for the same reason all these guys do things they know they shouldn't. Because they're greedy and stupid. He saw an easy way to make big money, and jumped on it despite knowing the high risk.
If we believe "To Save from Satan's Powers" then Pussy had been a rat for several years prior to the start of the show. During that time the FBI would allow him to make a living, but limit how much they would let him earn. And the knowledge that it was only a matter of time before he went into "The Program" probably stressed him out about how he would take care of his kids.
Tony made it clear at the pool party when talking to his cousin that he was going to stiff Angie with the bill.