MovieChat Forums > Sandman81 > Replies
Sandman81's Replies
Would you like a medal for winning an internet argument?
The original and prequel trilogies would probably be enough for most of the series. Though the Clone Wars would help explain some of the back story of Mandalore. Chapter 13 might be the first time where having seen some of The Clone Wars would help your understanding of <spoiler>who Ahsoka Tano was and why she didn't want to train Gorgu. </spoiler>
When Kate is talking on the phone at the start she says that they already put the dog in a kennel. Never caught that before, and always wondered why they had a doggie door, but no dog.
Sorry to interrupt a beautifully idiotic, and pointless internet argument, but I actually did laugh when he posted that there was no karate in Saved By The Bell.
I could care less about what she tweets, and I immediately noticed that her costume was much more snug on her than it was last year. If you don't think so, go back and watch episode 4 in season 1, and the episode she was in this year. It's impossible not to notice. But like I said before, it's not all a bad thing.
You do realize that John Candy was the Chet character right?
Would anybody be surprised if Eddie had completely forgotten that they had done that for them? Or ever inquired about Aunt Edna after that.
Not the most flattering bathing suit choice. But she still looks good.
Solozzo asked for Michael. Which means at that point he was the only person in the Corleone Family that could get close enough to kill him. Of course it was risky, and their father would have never approved of it, but Michael won them over with the way he presented it to them. Toss in that they could get rid of McCluskey too, who would have been a major problem for them had they just gotten Solozzo, and they decided it was worth the risk.
I thought so too. Then I went back and watched her first episode in season 1, and she definitely fills out her costume much more than she used too. And that's not entirely a bad thing ;).
He was a great running back for U. of Wisconsin, and was drafted by the Indianapolis Colts. He's having an ok rookie year, but the team is doing well.
What exactly did Chet do that would merit this question?
She did get an Oscar nomination in a popular Clooney movie.
Flopped in syndications???!!! Jerry and Larry would uproariously laugh at that statement, but they probably couldn't hear it from on top of their mountains of money.
They haven't made a new episode in over 22 years. The fact that it's still on syndication is a huge win. And consider how much it was on over the past 2 decades. TBS used to have a whole night dedicated to Seinfeld from 6pm-midnight. Then factor in DVD sales, which didn't start until 2004 I believe. And the fact that it's on Netflix means they are still getting paid for it. And if Hulu wanted it, that means there was a bidding war for it, and probably will be again when its current deal expires.
Even if Seinfeld was pulled from all streaming platforms and never aired another episode anywhere ever, not only would it still not be a flop, but it might be the most successful syndicated show ever.
Jimmy Fallon, Samuel L. Jackson, Alec Baldwin, and Jennifer Garner all have done Capitol One Commercials.
Kristin Wiig, John Legend, Chris Rock, Sly Stallone, Chris Evens, John Krasinski, Jennifer Annisten, Jason Momoa, The Rock, Matt Damon, Bruce Willis, Arnold, Timberlake, and Whoopi have all been in commercials in recent years.
The stigma of actors appearing in commercials in the U.S. has long since been lifted.
Maybe over the course of 8 years she changed her mind.
Or she believed Dexter was a better project than EWS, and more worth it.
And maybe she heard stories about what it was like working for Kubrick, and how he had treated some of his previous actresses, and she decided that she wanted nothing to do with him.
Also not only did he continue working the phones in Paris to get ahold of someone back home, but he booked the Friday flight home, as a back up in case Kate didn't make it. And had she not lucked into a Milwaukee bound polka band, they would have beaten her there.
The Santa Kevin goes to see. It was the end of a long day for the guy, and the end of the season. He just got a parking ticket on his piece of junk car, but he still ditched his cigarette and played the part for Kevin, and listened to everything he had to say. He even genuinely felt bad that he didn't have a candy cane for Kevin (which he had given to his hard working assistant) but improvised the best he could, with tic tacs.
Well..... she's right that Shakespeare in Love is forgettable, except that it won a bunch of awards that it shouldn't have. But at the same time, who the hell is Fernanda Montenegro, and what the hell is Central Station?
Not uncommon for pre-teen boys to have crushes, or at the very least think a girl around their age is beautiful. And there's also the occasional boy who gets into a girls a little sooner than his friends do.