MagneticMonopole's Replies

"Look at the big cities. Nothing but an entitlement hell brought to you by the Dems." I live in a big city, cupcake. It's great. Living in a Democratic controlled state and city, like I do, means a great standard of living with better education, great services, lots of things to do, and a better economy that feeds the rest of the nation. Live in a rural area and state controlled by Rethuglicans, and you are most likely poor, under-educated, lacking in health care, and you get supported and assisted by the tax dollars guys like me provide. Glad to help. We're in it together. "Actually, her last few movies have not done well." There is more to a career than box office, pumpkin. Even when her movies don't do well, she usually gets high praise. ". . .when she becomes a has-been (and she's already on her way). . ." Yeah, right. What a deluded nutcase. She just picked up another award today and while she won't even be nominated in my opinion, she's part of the conversation for major awards given her performance in mother!. She sn't going anywhere--get used to it. "More likely he'll continue the Democrats work and join the KKK..." That makes no sense at all considering the KKK loves what Trump and the Republicans stand for today. Says it all that the Dems are rejecting one of their kind for icky sexual behavior and the Rethuglicans embrace candidates who are far worse. Exactly. I've heard/read more than one account from a movie star about how building a kind of wall around yourself is a sad necessity for protecting yourself from an intrusive public. Glad at least someone responding to this story has some empathy! "There are more interesting places to take the conversation than crude insults about a mother's dexterity..." Anyone who makes a post whining about purple hair and actually employing the word "feminazi" in a sentence is beyond having an intelligent discussion with. While I appreciate the faux high ground, no one who uses that word deserves nor will ever get my respect. I treated this individual exactly as they deserved to be treated. ""Leveraging corrupt systems"? Ya mean like Hillary?" Yes, absolutely. She and Trump are both products of an insanely corrupt system which idiots like you support even though the chances of you personally benefiting from it are next to zero. And if you did benefit, you'd be as corrupt as they are. ""Deserving because of their merits and efforts" Who the hell are you and the government to decide who "is deserving"? What a pile of arrogant crap!" Yes, to morally and ethically illiterate dolts like you, having sense of fairness and decency seems like the height of arrogance. I get it. "Wealth is EARNED, not Transferred!" Complete BS from a brainwashed buffoon. There is nobody smart enough, hardworking enough, trained enough and dedicated enough to earn a billion dollars without leveraging corrupt systems and exploiting people. The poverty threshold in America is $11,490 for one person. If someone has a billion dollars, that is 87,032 times the poverty line. It’s possible for someone to be twice as smart as another worker. It’s possible for them to be four or five times as hardworking. It’s possible for one person to have ten times the training of another person. So if you have one person that is half as smart, a fifth as hardworking, and a tenth as trained, they should reasonably earn one percent of the other. That’s the very outside figure. But anyone who takes in more than a million dollars per year did not earn that, they stole it. They found a vulnerable system to exploit or they found a group of people to cheat. Maybe they did it legally. Maybe they paid someone to make it legal to do that. It happens. But “earn”? Actually -deserving- that much money because of their merits and efforts? No. "I suggest you pick up an economics book by Dr. Thomas Sowell or Dr. Walter E. Williams or the late Milton Friedman." And I suggest you pick up an economics book by Paul Krugman or Joseph Stiglitz. But you probably don't read and get all your information from Fox News. You got triggered by purple hair and made a complete fool of yourself in a public space. Keep it up, idiot. Apparently mommy dropped you on your head a few times when you were an infant. All I did was ask for an intelligent, articulate explanation for what was wrong with the movie. The fact that this dullard couldn't cough one up or even try just speaks to his/her stupidity. "They pander to the lower class for votes,but they have never helped the middle class." True enough, mainstream Dems are more about Wall Street than ordinary America. Nonetheless, you were completely full of BS to suggest taxes would ever possibly be worse under her. She would have vetoed this bill and anything like it. Worst case scenario would be that nothing in the tax code would change, meaning the poor and middle class, by all objective measures, would be better off than they are under this rape of a tax bill. "If you think Hilary would have improved the tax status, you don't know much about Democrats." If you think she would have given this kind of massive FU to middle class and lower income citizens, you are a drug addled crackhead. You people just make the rest of us comic book movies fans embarrassed to be comic book movie fans. Take your idiotic delusions and stuff them up your collective behinds. There is no plausible universe in which Thor: Ragnarok is anything but a colossal success. "read between the lines" In other words, hallucinate? No, that's your style. I pay attention to the evidence only. No, all she said was that she was stressed out but completely understood where he was coming from and wanted to be supportive. She no more gave mother! as the reason for the break up than she said hurricanes were a reaction against the Trump election, another bit of complete BS that got posted here by gullible idiots. Complete BS from a mindless gossip site. There is absolutely nothing in your citation which suggests anything of the sort. "The "I'm hung like a horse" scene was one of the best. Two war buddies sharing stories of home over drinks." That was EXACTLY the scene I had in mind! Those actors were fantastic together. Characters talking with each other helps appeal to those of us adults who have grown up attention spans. My favorite scenes had no guns or blood, just people talking. Character development is what makes the action scenes matter. I only heard about Jigsaw after I was finished watching the show, but I pegged him as a bad guy the first time his character was introduced. The folks aren't very good at fooling us.