MagneticMonopole's Replies

Of course this idiot is clearly in the minority. "Early last year, the actress mocked a foreign journalist at a press conference for being on his phone, when the man was reportedly using it to help him translate his questions." Complete and utter BS, as attested to by other journalists who were there. He was filming her, a rude gesture that no one else in the Hollywood foreign press performed, and she rightly called him out on it. Only a complete idiot would cherish a mindless MCU fanboy who thinks a Spiderman movie is the most acclaimed film in history. Hey, I liked it quite a lot. But the fanboys in boards like this who spend their time thoughtlessly praising one studio's output while trashing that of another are the biggest losers on the Internet. Trust me, cupcake, I've been following the whole thread and your pathetic fanboy antics the whole time. "The people of the world have finally agreed, Spider-man is the most acclaimed movie in the past 1000 years." You fanboys are delusional nutcases who make mature comic book movie fans embarrassed to be associated with you. Only an idiot thinks IMDB ratings have any meaning whatsoever. It isn't so. This is just click bait yellow journalism at its worst. She never actually said any of this. Just watch the interview yourself. Complete and utter BS. She never once suggested at all that the hurricanes had anything to do with Trump. This is just mindless alt-right propaganda with no basis in fact.