danno1864's Posts

Boycott this fecal mess. Copycat JJ Abraham is out of ideas. Prediction: Luke will say "I am your FATHER"! Thanks JJ you did it again ! :) BAD ROBOT = BAD MOVIES . JJ Abrahms ruined Star Trek, now Star Wars. Failure Complete. PURE MAGIC. This EPIC and WONDROUS MOVIE WILL NEVER BE EQUALLED! 2019 Star Wars Fan Poll - Would you Rather Have Disney Star Wars or None at All - Vote Here COPYCAT ABRAHMS at it again....sigh...ROTJ rehash nature vs superweapon? Many say Lawrence Kasdan wrote Empire Strikes back truth is he co-wrote with Leigh Brackett More expensive Fan Fiction nobody cares about. *Yawn*** ZERO INTEREST IN FAUX STAR WARS - WILL BOYCOTT THIS. YAWN - ABRAHMS STAR BORES - GOING FOR CRUISE "LAST SAMURAI FEEL" Weird Fashion Show /Dinosaur Runway Auction! JJ ruined Star Trek, and was out of ideas by the second reboot movie. What makes you think he can save IX? Post-Credit Scene - WTF? Worst and Laziest Ever. Hmmm..so "Let the Past Die...Kill It if you Have to"...are we talking about future box office Rian? Can I get my money back? Technically I paid for a Star Wars movie - not some stupid SJW vanity project. You heard it here first - Luke Skywalker flashback battle scene to appease fans! Is Rian Johnson the J.R. Smith of movie franchises? Kessel Run, kraken thing JJ is a lame copycat creator- Killed Star Trek in less than 2 movies. Veterans - Please tell me the most realistic depiction of combat you've seen.