MovieChat Forums > danno1864
danno1864 (126)
Do Yourselves ALL a Favor...Watch The Empire Strikes Back...a real treat for the mind and senses.
Unwatchable for Repeat Viewings. Once was more than enough.
If you respect George Lucas and Original Trilogy - Boycott this.
First Star Wars movie I won't see at theatre. As Mark Hamill suggests will wait for it to be on cable.
JJ's Star Trek - Magic Transporters - No ships - Star Wars - Magic Force - No ships - Thanks JJ!
Boycott this if you hated The Last Jedi. Do it for Luke and George Lucas.
who else winced at the "Canto Byte" reference? Very dangerous to flirt with fans.
JJ copies vastly superior movie and tries to be clever by switching lines of key characters?
Washed the awful stench of Disney Star Wars and SJW politics by watching this MASTERPIECE!
Big Mistake. The Last Jedi was the end of the franchise. It completely ruined it.
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Cleverly transposing iconic lines delivered and executed by better actors in more superior movies - wow clever JJ!
I can't agree with u more. JJ made starships uncessary in Star Trek. In a similar move, in Star Wars you can also teleport anywhere and no War in Star Wars required. Thanks JJ, u completely ruined 2 beloved franchises.
This was made by a collaboration of filmakers at the height of their careers - firing on all cylinders. Also George Lucas had the trilogy mapped out better. But the real genious was probably irvin Kershner who got the best performances out of everyone and Gary Kurtz for producing this marvel. I have a hard time believing Kasdan (the genius behind Solo - A Star Wars story???) wrote this, I think the clever parts must of come from the late Leigh Bracket.
It was a big, bold follow up to the biggest film of all at the time. They took the time and care to get it right. With probably the best movie soundtrack you will ever hear. This is simply a masterpiece.
Started and ended by the great JJ- Abrahms. He is the same guy who killed the Star Trek reboot in less than .5 movies by jumping the shark - no starships required, beam anywhere.
GREAT ANSWER! Thank you so much!!!! Personally, I also think Watchmen was a masterpiece! did you not like it?
Well said! That Richard Lester really screwed things up!
Enjoy some of dat titty milk for me!
Yes JJ is soooo clever. In less than one movie rebooting Star Trek - the franchise jumped the shark and was bankrupt of ideas. No starships, and Kirk riding around in a motocross. Wow.
Hahahhaha YES! Classic JJ Rip off.
Could not agree with u more!!!! Inferior and perverse fan fiction. Blue Titty Milk! haha wtf.
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