Should Star Trek: Into Darkness been a warning sign about how JJ Abrams has trouble following up his stories

Between the logic holes

The he's not Khan psych he's khan marketing

Doing Wrath of Khan poorly.

Making the Federation rotten from the top down.

Suddenly being able to teleport insane distances without issue (to the point you ask why do we need spaceships)


There's a lot wrong with that movie.


I liked it.


William Shatner SLAMS The Rise of Skywalker !! Star Trek Icon SPEAKS on NEW Disney Star Wars Movie


It SHOULD have been, absolutely. I am a much bigger Trek fan than I am a Wars fan.

I was very reluctant to see The Force Awakens after seeing what JJ did to Star Trek. I finally caught it on DVD 6 months after it was release, thought it was FUN but basically a pointless rehash of previous Star Wars movies and only existed to make money for Disney. I have no desire to see the next one after that.

The hardcore Star Wars fanboys, on the other hand, welcomed JJ and the Disney takeover of their franchise with open arms, hyped the movie ENDLESSLY in 2015, rushed out to see it in theaters, and reported back that JJ GETS Star Wars and it was fantastic and a return to the "true" Star Wars of their childhood (swearing up and down that it wasn't just nostalgia talking and UNLIKE the prequels they all cheered on in 1999, THIS time they sincerely meant it when they were praising the movie) and the franchise has a bright future now. And blah blah blah....

Four years later, looks like my viewpoint has FINALLY been vindicated.


The Rise Of Skywalker Is The Most Frustrating JJ Abrams Film

The Rise of Skywalker suffers from all of the usual problems I have in JJ Abrams movies. Here’s why.


"Suddenly being able to teleport insane distances without issue (to the point you ask why do we need spaceships)"
That crap also happened in Abrams' first Star Trek movie, when Scotty apparently invented it while he was banished (or whatever) I think he said it would do away with starships once and for all. As I said before, Abrams doesn't understand space.

When a movie writer and director uses a plot device (in this case a Tribble) to make death irrelevant, it really shows they have no comprehension of death and the stakes posed by it, so there's no drama or anything and thus no entertainment. Abrams is a hack writer, so he uses high speed action to prevent viewers from thinking about the illogicalities of it all and thus they think he is great, at least superficially.


make death irrelevant, it really shows they have no comprehension of death and the stakes posed by it, so there's no drama or anything and thus no entertainment.

I disagree. It depends on the story. Making death irrelevant can make extremely difficult to create drama and the feeling of danger, there's no risk and no stakes anymore. But... that doesn't mean there's no entertainment. Konosuba, for example, is a damn good series where the main character has been resurrected several times. Actually, it has become a running gag with him trying to flirt with the afterlife goddess every time. This case, it serves the story.

The problem with Abrams is that he doesn't think long term. His stories are just instant gratification, anything that feels fine now, no matter it breaks tone and story and it makes it a mess that won't work down the road. Sometimes the mess is obvious at the end of the movie (Super 8) and sometimes it takes 2 o 3 movies to reach its full messy potential (Star Trek).

But it's not about resurrection o long range teletransport specifically. Those things could work in some stories, they won't in other ones. It's more like Abrams is unable to think beyond the current scene, and he's unable to see what will break the story later on.


He's ( JJ ) an idiot. He pushed the American moviegoer's face into the toilet, held it there, took their money, and flushed.


Yes. And quite honestly, I think the man himself may have jumped the shark. Dude is only busier and busier. I expect even less work than these past films to be put into making his movies in the future. JarJar figured out what really matters in the movie business. Money. Just make up whatever crap you want, slap it together, make it look real slick, hammer them with the next movie before they even have time to process the last movie. Hell, if I was a studio i'd hire this guy. Everybody's gettin paid.


I get the impression from his dealings in the Star Trek franchise he has a strong interest in merchandising.


and when in doubt bring back an iconic villain..

He's doing Superman next right? We'll see Zod again fo sure


omfg i'm so depressed you're exactly right. of course he is. we're going to endure Zod again. they got it f'n right the first time. Let's move on! Jesus! He's just going to remake Superman all over again. God Fucking Damnit! I'm sick of this shit!!!!!! It's 2020. I want to move ONNNNNNN!


Cleverly transposing iconic lines delivered and executed by better actors in more superior movies - wow clever JJ!


I’ve never seen the Abrams version of Star Trek. The last movie I saw was Nemesis and I wish I could erase that one from memory.


What did you expect from a hack leading a team of hacks. JJ is so shameless he even steals the exact phrases from the movies he copies.

But Hollywood thinks he's the next Spielberg....Bulls**t !


He is. All Spielberg did was remake the same monster movie over and over again.


I also think that J.J. Abrams was not the right kind of guy to task with writing a Star Wars movie, let alone 2 of them. JJA is obsessed with mystery to the point of not explaining key elements of his stories to the viewer at all (Lost Smoke Monster anyone?), and Star Wars just doesn't work that way. This gets in the way of enjoying the story for the sake of leaving enough open-ended questions that can only be answered with more movies/TV shows/whatever. Disney execs probably love the guy for doing this, but it is really disrespectful to the audience - then again, those guys don't really see 40+ year-olds as their core demographic for Star Wars movie series anymore, so it's all academic. I can almost hear them say: Didn't like Episode VIII? Pay for Disney+ and go watch The Mandalorian, you middle-aged neck-beards.

JJ reminds me of Steven Moffat - pretending mysteries are why we're invested and then having no good solution for them anyway, often sacrificing character to give some overly-complicated explanation that still leaves plotholes and leaves you feeling shallow and empty.


The comparison with Moffat is unfair.

It's true that Moffat is really bad when it comes to characters (like Abrams), and that both of them like overly-complicated plots. However, unless Abrams, Moffat's mysteries work as a clockwork machine, the whole plot carefully crafted and thought. Abrams just throws mystery boxes and leaves, because he doesn't know what to do with them.
