Who wants to bet? Luke will say "I AM YOUR FATHER" to Rey? Thanks JJ you are the best hack out there!

JJ cannot stop ripping off movies made far better and competently than he will ever do.
Luke will say "I am your father" to Rey - who wants to bet with me?


Rey is not a Skywalker. I don't think she is related to the skywalker family.


I hope to god she isn't. Family's full of fuckups anyway.


Luke to Rey: 'I am your father'
Rey: 'I know'


Hahahhaha YES! Classic JJ Rip off.


That would feel like a last minute patch and a copypaste from the original trilogy.

It's true that Force Awakens is a copypaste from the original trilogy and was successful, but I don't think the trick will work this time. Not to say that Force Awakens, the most successful one among the new ones, is aging quick, and badly.


No, Rey will tell Luke "I am your mother". See, it's a quote frm a previous movie but a different character says it now. See also: JJ Abrams' remake of Wrath of Khan.


Yes JJ is soooo clever. In less than one movie rebooting Star Trek - the franchise jumped the shark and was bankrupt of ideas. No starships, and Kirk riding around in a motocross. Wow.


This being a sjw rendition of star wars, he'll probably say I am your mother - and then we'll get a surgery flashback.
