MovieChat Forums > danno1864 > Posts
danno1864's Posts
Do Yourselves ALL a Favor...Watch The Empire Strikes Back...a real treat for the mind and senses.
Unwatchable for Repeat Viewings. Once was more than enough.
If you respect George Lucas and Original Trilogy - Boycott this.
First Star Wars movie I won't see at theatre. As Mark Hamill suggests will wait for it to be on cable.
JJ's Star Trek - Magic Transporters - No ships - Star Wars - Magic Force - No ships - Thanks JJ!
Boycott this if you hated The Last Jedi. Do it for Luke and George Lucas.
who else winced at the "Canto Byte" reference? Very dangerous to flirt with fans.
JJ copies vastly superior movie and tries to be clever by switching lines of key characters?
Washed the awful stench of Disney Star Wars and SJW politics by watching this MASTERPIECE!
Big Mistake. The Last Jedi was the end of the franchise. It completely ruined it.
Disney Trilogy as fun as getting a Root Canal - Boycott this Mess.
Luke better of been a malfunctioning clone in Last Jedi, or deal me out.
Disaster - If Return of Jedi is worst of Original, what makes you think Copycat JJ will make a good film?
Clones...only will be good if Snoke & Luke from 8 were clones, as was deadbeat Han from 7
Completely wasted Linda Hamilton with weak ensemble cast. :( Made for TV movie???
Honestly looks terrible - CGI airplanes had that Genisys look of yawn to me. :(
Ruin Johnson school of filmaking. Make unsatisfying conclusions for beloved characters.
I thought "Knives Out" is the situation at Disney - getting rid of Ruin Johnson! Boycott this!
Seriously can't get over how BLAND and BORING this is- devoid of imagination or inpiration!
MCU next phase.....we need FF4 Reed Richards (George Clooney) and Galactus as the big bad