JJ ruined Star Trek, and was out of ideas by the second reboot movie. What makes you think he can save IX?

JJ is only good at aping other great directors and copying movies. IX will be a turd.


I don't THINK he can, I just HOPE he can.


his early work on tv was good when he was heavily involved


I know I'm not alone in believing that Abrams' first Star Trek film was the best of any of them. The originals are fun, but they're cheesy and dated. Can you honestly watch Wrath of Khan and not burst out laughing at Ricardo Montalban?

Same for The Force Awakens... it's as good as any of the original three films. Don't get me wrong, the original Star Wars films hold a special place in my heart, and in the hearts of most, but I can admit that it's only because they came first that I treasure them so. Abrams created something that was simultaneously brand new and epic in its own right, while managing to pull in familiar elements that made it mesh perfectly with what came before it.

I can't say much about his other work, as I haven't seen it all. I thought Lost was a lot of fun, though like many shows it probably should have ended a lot sooner than it did, and it staggered to its finish. But then, he only directed the first two episodes, which were magnificent, so whose to say what he did/didn't have to do with the show in the long haul.

While looking at his page on imdb I just learned that he directed Mission Impossible 3, which I believe to be by far the best of the series, so that's very encouraging. He hasn't done a lot else-- Super 8 I saw and enjoyed. Seems he's got a pretty strong track record as a director, and I'm very, very excited to see how he wraps up this trilogy, and atones for the areas in which The Last Jedi faltered.


No, you're not alone: there's at least 3 other people that think JJ's was the best Star Trek film.


You should do yourself a favor and watch Star Trek: The Motion Picture. This is a truly a test to see if you can appreciate a good movie. It's big, it's important and epic. It's more like 2001 A Space Odyssey - also a challenging watch for this generation. Sounds like you are just a pew-pew pew fan. That's not what Star Trek is about. I almost threw up when you said Abrams first Star Trek was the best of the bunch - what a joke. This is the one where halfway in the convoluted plot they made starships obsolete and you can just beam anywhere right? Then a mere one movie later they killed the franchise Last Jedi style by borrowing from superior movies, trying to be clever and transposing iconic dialogue. JJ is a total hack.


You're entitled to your opinion, but watching Star Trek: The Motion Picture would be nothing more than a test to see if I agree with what *you* think is a good movie. In fact, nearly everything in your response reeks of self-aggrandizing pretentiousness, and a belief that your opinions are facts. If I disagree with you, I must not be able to handle a challenging film, and if I find Star Trek, or 2001, to be banal or corny, I must be missing something that only someone at your level can grasp.

So no, I'm not a fan of "pew pew pew" films, and I think Abrams captured every bit of the spirit of Star Trek without suffering from the corniness of the originals. In general, I'm a fan of intelligent films that are powerful, emotional, and filled with great dialogue, that keep the audience guessing until the end, and that have at least two or three incredible moments or scenes that resonate with me even years later; films that give me chills, films that make me cry. Abrams' Star Trek fits that bill in every way. So does The Force Awakens.




Star Trek 2009 & TFA gave you chills? Made you cry?

I don't believe you.

Sorry Buffy but ST09 and TFA are the very definitions of lazy "pew pew" action movies and I wouldn't have a problem with that if they hadn't tainted the legacy of the world's favourite Sci Fi Sagas.

JJA = Michael Bay.

It's that simple.

Their style is utterly interchangeable - screw the story, screw the characters, just throw enough shit at the screen so the audience might not realise what they're watching makes no fucking sense. The only difference is that Michael Bay is honest about what he does, he knows the types of films he makes and he knows who he is making the for whereas JJ is not just a hack, he is a con artist.

Look at his legacy:

Lost - "Hey, trust us guys, this is all going somewhere, somewhere amazing, we've got it all figured out". Bollocks. They made it all up as they went leading to one of the worst final seasons in TV history.

Star Trek - "This is a separate timeline, not a reboot, we don't want to overwrite the originals". Bollocks. They ripped off TWOK (a fantastic film and Montalbarn pisses all over Cumberbatch) and changed the past - again - in the very next film as they had no original ideas of their own.

TFA - "This is part VII". Bollocks. It was part IV 2.0, a reboot of a New Hope, a movie literally nobody on the planet wanted so they lied and said it was a sequel.

He is a talentless hack and he is not worth your time defending him. You literally put more care and effort into your above, very well written post, than he has into any of the plots for his movies. He wrote Armageddon for Christ sake! There's no passion in his films, no emotion, no great dialogue... they are lifeless simulacra, imitation's created by someone who doesn't know how to create, only how to steal.

Stop supporting him. Stop watching his films. JJ and his fellow Bad Robot brethren are helping to kill cinema.

EDIT - Replied to the wrong post but I'm sure you figured that out!


I really love the "Birth of Kirk" scene in Trek 2009. That's by far the most powerful thing he's ever put to film. That's pretty much the only work of his I appreciate.


I actually liked the first half of Trek 09, the character driven aspects, it's only when the went into space it all went to shit.

For all his faults JJ does seem to be good at getting strong, likeable performances out of his casts, he just has no idea how to tell a story. There's probably an alternate timeline out there where JJ makes small scale, quirky TV and indie films with a likeable cast in meandering/meaningless story lines and that would be just fine but it is one of life's mysteries how he ended up helming both Star Trek and Star Wars. I suspect he does't even like Sci Fi.


OMG are you JJ? haha


The first Star Trek remake was the best? The one were he destroyed Vulcan for no reason then buoldin himself a monument within the Star Trek universe. Thats all he could do. Kill or destroy things. Cause he doesnt have the smallest faith at all in his personal work.

And Star Trek better then Wrath Of Khan, A Voyage Home or Undisovered Country? Are your completely out of your mind or are drugs leal at your home country?


Rian Johnson saw all the liberties J.J. Abrams had taken with Star Trek, and he basically threw the baby out with the bathwater. Vulcan? Who needs it? Luke Skywalker? Who needs him?

Star Trek and Star Wars have both been dumped on by Abrams, but this may have started when Starbuck and Boomer were cast as women in the reboot of Battlestar Gallactica.


With no real story built up to resolve, and the planned fanservice which has only served to the detriment of the new movies so far, this movie will surely be a turkey, i've no doubt. It's gonna be pretty, though. JJ makes real pretty movies.


"JJ makes real pretty movies."
No he does not, Star Trek is one of the most hideous pieces of lese flare I ever saw, MI 3 had a decent script and actors but was let down by crappy direction and ugly cinematography. Hell, TLJ and R1 look like a masterpieces in cinematography compared the ugly, chartoonish monochrome lighting, lenses and color grading in Farce Awakens.

JJ is an all-around hack.




Because lens flares


Saw this on Reddit today.


How the fuck this guy was allowed anywhere near Star Trek/Wars is a mystery.

I will console myself with the knowledge that should there be a remake of Princess Bride (god forbid) the line referencing famous blunders ("Never start a land was in Asia") will be replaced with "Never let JJ Abrams near your Sci Fi franchise".
