rileyinlondon's Replies

Which always amused me. Cos if there's one surefire way to get a man's attention for potentially upsetting news, it's by doing a striptease! I agree entirely - I am shocked to find so much hatred on here. I rate Jeepers Creepers as one of the best post-millennial horror movies around, and for a horror sequel, I was really impressed with this movie. A masterclass of suspense, only let down a little by the slightly silly truck-harpoon thing. That really did kill me, it was just so repetitive. Meanwhile, Dad does nothing with the rifle in his hand. If he had shown in that moment the same proficiency he did later on with makeshift harpoons, he would have saved himself a hell of a lot of bother later on! Otherwise, thoroughly enjoyable movie. I always wondered about how Maurice got over his initial capture. In the final scene he is stood in the ballroom watching Belle and the Prince seemingly proudly. I have often imagined the exchange between the two... "So Dad, sorry for scaring you sh!tless and imprisoning you like that. No hard feelings?" Hahahaha! Jolly good show! Quite the ensemble cast you have going on here. I always enjoyed that line. "I love animals - I'm a great cook", delivered as though the two traits always went hand in hand! 135. In the woods, you can suffer multiple blows to the head, then conveniently wake up a few moments later and wander on your way. [Seriously, I lost count of how many people got knocked unconscious then got back up unscathed] 136. Even with a running time of 1 hour 25 mins, a movie can feel waaaaaaay too long. Surely that comes under 'third party'? I'd like to think so at least! Right?! I was a bit of a late bloomer with GOT, and had enjoyed Vicious from beginning to end before starting it. I almost fell off my chair when I realised first that Ash was the shy guy from Misfits, and then that he was Ramsay! You took the words right out of my mouth: talk about acting range! Iwan really has something. I have not got such a laugh out of collective sarcasm for a while. Thank you all! 224: The guy who owns that car who's license plate somehow ended up both in a shark here AND a shark in Jaws really needs to just stop driving altogether. My sides have officially split! So wait... are we supposed to assume that a little tobacco smoke is what caused the shark to suddenly wake up and attack? I am kind of asking seriously; despite the many times I have seen this movie over the years, that possibility never occurred to me. Just always struck me as a typical jump scare. I have spent a while Google Earth-ing both Wilton Road and Bayberry Lane. The latter looks right. Unfortunately most of the houses look very similar on the outside, so it may be a case of catching a few good screengrabs from the movie and seeing what matches up. Might be a long process, but I am just about fangirly enough about this movie to do it! I feel you - those beautiful cars getting the sh it smashed out of them, when I would give them such a loving home. It tugs at my heart strings more than any charity advert on TV! Yes, I though that throughout. Yes, thank you! That was where it kept coming out. Right?! What possibly irritated me the most was that same gormless expression she had on her face throughout the entire movie! That, and she never actually seemed scared. Like, at all. And to top it off, she claimed to be 21. Bullshit! 31 maybe.