Things we learned from this movie. (Spoilers)
I think you all know how this is played by now if you've ever been on an IMDB board.
1. Giganto sharks will apparently be attracted by an open champange/wine bottle falling into the ocean because its red. Not because it smells or tastes anything like blood.
2. Genetically tampered with giganto sharks will become more intelligent because they have bigger brains. Which is why in real life whales rule the world due to the fact that their brains are far bigger than peoples.
3. The Giganto sharks using this superior intellect will devise a method of swimming backward even though its is physiologically impossible for a shark to do so.
4. Giganto sharks can recognize a gun even though sharks have terribly poor eysight.
5. When breeding giganto sharks presume that they can be held securly by a flimsy chain link fence.
5. Giganto sharks will work in unison and devise plans and traps for your party even though most of the species in this film are rogue creatures that would eat their own mother if given the chance.
6. Giganto sharks can easily swim through small corridors and bulkways making nearly 90 degree turns without getting stuck.
7. A giganto shark apparently only needs waist high water to survive.
8. Apparently the film 'Jaws 3' dosen't exist in this world, if it did these people would realize: Building anything underwater where creatures are likely to smash through your viewing window is a bad bad idea.
9. Said viewing window will crack slowly and not spring small leaks despite the incredible pressure from the outside.
10. You can survive getting your arm bitten off and being dropped under water, being chomped by a giganto shark and thrown face first into a window and still be concious.
11. Carter Blake has big brass balls
12. Never scream about your harrowing tale of survival and inspriational leadership abilities near an open moonpool if there are giganto sharks around.
13. When some large creature is attempting to eat you, don't hide in the oven, you'll only give it ideas.
14. Giganto sharks that want to escape into the 'Deep Blue Sea' will occupy their time by hunting you and your friends instead of say trying to bash down that flimsy gate.
15. You can easily mistake a small model shark with a giganto shark that you yourself created and worked with for sevearl months.
16. Wetsuits will apparently insulate you from electric shock.
17. Adding milk to scrambeld eggs is a mistake.
18. Once you've realized your folly of playing god through genetic engineering sacrifice yourself by slicing your hands open and jumping in the water with the giganto sharks, you might redeem yourself to all those dead people.
19. Helicopter piolots will not simply climb higher in altitude to pull a submerged victim from the ocean depths, their partner instead will waste precious moments fiddling with the rope mechanism.
20. Flooding ocean water is always uniquly the same toliet bowl blue color and never contains any trace elements such as plackton, seaweed, small fish, or any other various sea life.
Feel free to add your own.