MovieChat Forums > Patman111196 > Replies
Patman111196's Replies
Exactly. They never acknowledge Trump's huge ego as a very possible factor in his exaggerated or misleading statements, and instead making it like "Oh, he's just an evil liar who's going to be a dictator like Hitler from Day One and will turn America in a slave zone". Even with his own flaws and longtime questionable reputation, I have a hard time really believing he'll get around to "enslaving" people to the law or something to that affect. If anything, he'll just leave the people in peace to continue his winning golf streaks for the most part.
Also sexual activity with kids, murder of babies right after birth, and open discrimination of white people
I thought the popular vote is a major component in judging the electoral college.
He's just trying to make them look even worse than they already are so he can get everyone's attention. Just like how he talks about how he can solve all of America's problems by simply waving a magic wand.
I don't think he is all that aware when a promise from him goes unfulfilled. He just has more "important" things to do, like winning golf.
I also hear he believes that Obamacare and ACA are widely different.
Obviously it was Biden or Kamala that actually had him killed. Look at how they are trying to lie about healthcare
Of course he won't follow through everything. He exaggerates pretty much every thing to make himself look better or feared than he already is. Even if he does follow up on some stuff, he'll probably be more concerned with winning golf matches most days in the long run. I sincerely doubt he has all the time or power in the world to do all of what he says anyway.
Vincent was just a jerk who felt his peace was being disturbed after everything HE caused that day, and was just projecting his issues onto Butch when he came to the counter. Vince sees everyone around him except for himself as a problem of disrespect to him. That's also why he's a jerk to the Wolf and why he disagrees with Jules's philosophy of "walking the earth".
A lot of tv broadcasts channels have been doing this time editing crap for years, just to fill out hourly slots or ads. TBS and especially TNT does this. From what I hear to have been happening more frequent recently, even though I don't watch films on TV broadcast anymore.
More recently, has anyone heard about the post that AMC in particular had a warning sign about "stereotypes" for Goodfellas? It was shared on Twitter. They never did that back when I was a teenager.
Did you even read the article I posted? it's clear that Governor of California does not support mass deportatiton of illegal immigrants.
Looks like Texas is already preparing for Trump's plan. Abbott is probably just trying to get everyone's attention on the deportation situation by making a phony threat.
They are also probably mad because Trump is doing something they would happily do, and taking credit for it. They may think he's not allowed to have someone of a different color is such a high position since according to him he is so "racist".
I love how Trump has a habit of being personally condescending to his opponents, rather than simply calling them out for their flaws, especially on holidays. I bet he'll say that the Left doesn't believe in Christmas at all next.
This MAGA username is just trolling when he spams that. Obviously he doesn't care enough to actually discuss his support of deporting illegal aliens.
They are just trying to gaslight the public by spinning the story. Even if Trump doesn't personally advocate for a certain cause, then his supporters will on their own merits and desires.
Yes, Trump believes in extortion methods. It's his style. He has said he'll hold benefits for this and that unless he gets what he requests. He's more of a loan guy and not a gifting person.
I'm amazed you think Trump cannot make a single mistake. He's only human and not god. Your lust for him is showing. @tvfan
Why is Obama responsible for replacing Biden? Is it because he is black?
Obama was the last time I remember things not being so chaotic. Trump was just Trump. Biden was just a senile puppet who was easy to take advantage of.
Of course Trump isn't going to be considered a bad president by any means for much of the public. He's a huge narcissist that succeeding in managing to make everyone fall all over him with his wealthy and political image, and even formed his own political cult admirers. A person's character and personality could very well totally overshadow their particular policies, whether they are good or bad, or real or fake.
As far as Trump goes, we know the one concept he loves more than anything in the world is himself and own ambitions.
Obviously Kamala is trying to have him assassinated so she can take over the country and increase Doritos to $50 per bag and have children operated on in schools without parental consent or knowledge. Absolutely evil woman.