The WORST 5 U.S. Presidents OF ALL TIME!! - Stuff That Happened
Today, I'll be ranking my personal WORST 5 Presidents in the HISTORY of the United States!!share
Today, I'll be ranking my personal WORST 5 Presidents in the HISTORY of the United States!!share
The fact that Trump wasn't in the list shows how biased that ranking is. The fact people want Clinton on there when he literally balanced the budget and had a surplus is questionable to say the least. Ignores Reganomics that destroyed the middle-class and Nixon's corruption as nothing. Give me a break.
shareWe expect that kind of shit from you dummies.
shareLOL, Trump wasn’t on the list because he was a great president. He just seems like a bad president if all you watch is the far left fake news that was out to get him from the beginning.
He is the greatest US President since Ronald Reagan.
^^^This is TDS in action...
shareTrump was middling but not disastrous. I can definitely think of far, far worse presidents. James Buchanan and GWB for sure. Perhaps Trump's second term will put him squarely in the worst five given the insane cabinet, ridiculous tariff proposals and blinkered Middle East policy he's on track to enact. Currently I'd rank Biden below him by a significant margin. 4 years of Biden have convinced me that Democrats do have a Trump Derangement Syndrome - the alarm and hatred for GOP policies is justified, especially conservatives' judicial outlook, but Democrats refuse to hold their party accountable for absorbing parts of Trump's platform, letting neoconservatives win the policy arguments, ignoring their base while Trump rallies his and abandoning the working class and hoping they can coast through on youth and minority votes.
shareOf course Trump isn't going to be considered a bad president by any means for much of the public. He's a huge narcissist that succeeding in managing to make everyone fall all over him with his wealthy and political image, and even formed his own political cult admirers. A person's character and personality could very well totally overshadow their particular policies, whether they are good or bad, or real or fake.
As far as Trump goes, we know the one concept he loves more than anything in the world is himself and own ambitions.
I'd submit Obama, Biden and Lincoln for consideration.
shareEh, not Lincoln but certainly Obama and Biden.
sharePlease'll change your mind.
Lincoln was a piece of shit that made war on his own people. He also jailed American citizens IN THE NORTH when they protested the war. Look up Camp Douglas in Chicago.
shareBiden will forever be the most evil President of my lifetime with Obama being a close second.
shareObama was the last time I remember things not being so chaotic. Trump was just Trump. Biden was just a senile puppet who was easy to take advantage of.
shareUS economy was doing great before 9/11