Patman111196's Replies

They knew Kamala was quite unfit to serve and would likely lose and they probably knew that she wouldn't have had made any fairly beneficial changes anyway. They are just trying to feel better about their incompetence by making Trump look like a bigger problem. From my understanding, these tariffs are likely to push up technology for one thing. Gas is good for the moment. I don't think he has complete control over food. Doesn't matter. Harris would probably have done so in her own way even if one were to assume that Trump's plan could screw up the economy. Not enough conclusive proof yet. I doubt he would want to waste time enacting literally every single law found in those 900 pages anyway. Good luck with that. He's way too full of himself to take anybody's advice but his own. I feel like the only reason he put them on board in the first place is because of their similar ideologies, and not necessarily because they may be suitable choice in politics. He usually picks who he personally likes from his feelings. My bad. I got a "you're doing that too often" message cause of lag or something. Looks like he's slipping a little in Indiana though. He's winning by 2/3 at the moment. Don't be surprised if we get a twist that he wins. shut up supporter of tvfan Did you know that voting actually requires no ID or history at all? You just sign your name up for a ballot and then turn it in. I love how your entire perspective is judged by black-and-white thinking. Maybe get some therapy so you can choose both good and bad at the same time. liar Did you misread my post? I was answering the OP as to why she would win over Trump if she did. She would win because people are foolish to believe that she can immediately solve problems they have like abortion and LGBT. So not only did you misread my post, but you decided to twist it in your own narrative to say I fully support her. Everyone single thing you listed is untrue and are complete lies spread by Democrats that have been easily disproven and those that are true he was completely justified in doing because of their dumb policies. Because people are foolish enough to believe that "moving forward" doesn't take time and that Kamala will have a positive influence on the country the day after she would take office. I've heard some disturbing talk about how she was in office. Makes Trump look like a saint if those things are true or confirmed. My guess is that because Trump is more famous and popular, they know about him and not her. I didn't really know Harris at all until she came into the spotlight. He did have a hand by appointing some members, but he wasn't primarily responsible in the end. They are just scapegoating him for it to gain an advantage, they don't actually care that it wasn't his decision alone. They will rarely admit that it was up to the justices and will instead say something like "Trump told them to do it when he first assigned them". tvfan would disagree. He's the kind of guy who thinks women should work in the kitchen 24/7 and prioritize their hubby over their self well-being.