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Liberals suddenly want to talk policy

They spent the entire Election season with a candidate if you can call her doing everything she could to avoid talking about policy while the common libs spent all summer bullying women on social media over Men knocking women out in Olympic Boxing and now they want to talk about nothing but Taríffs? Sit down and shut up you lost


I wonder if they'll have any opinions on genocide now.


They knew Kamala was quite unfit to serve and would likely lose and they probably knew that she wouldn't have had made any fairly beneficial changes anyway. They are just trying to feel better about their incompetence by making Trump look like a bigger problem.


The only policy they have is to screw over the working person in America while they get rich and then lie about it and pretend like they actually care about the "less fortunate," which doesn't include American citizens.

For the record, it doesn't matter what Trump does or proposes, they will oppose it. They would be particularly mad if he made America rich and prosperous again, because their plans on collapsing the economy through overwhelming the healthcare and welfare systems would be ruined. They're following the "Rules for Radicals" handbook to destroy America from within and turn it into a socialist backwater where everyone [except for a select few] is miserable, dirt-poor, and relying on the govt. for everything, and the WEF takes over the western world as a single totalitarian government.


So it is not policy related at all that people live shorter tougher lives in the red states on average? A gap that only became noticeable when the u.s really went away from Social democracy, which it was much closer to being pre-Reagan than it is today.

If it is not about policy at all, why do people in the red states choose to die when people die on average in Poland?


People in red counties have more laborious, more dangerous jobs. Has nothing to do with your socialist bullshit.


Of course they have, but they also had the same life expectancy, access to healthcare etc. as people in comparable first world nations with laborious jobs. That is not the case anymore.


From what I've seen, it's more miserable in blue states, with high taxes, high prices for groceries and gas, homelessness, ridiculous laws, and sanctuary cities. Why would you assume it's only red states that are miserable? If they were, people from blue states wouldn't be fleeing to them in droves. So many people are moving out of California right now that U-Haul keeps running out of trucks, and I suspect other blue states have similar problems with people fleeing.

But by all means, keep talking about how utopian and like paradise your lovely blue states are as you wade through poop and needles on the sidewalk and hope you don't get shot by a someone tonight, because the cops aren't allowed to protect you anymore. That would be "racist" towards the perps shooting or mugging you.


Your missing the point. And I do not even live in a blue or red state. There are a lot of things going on in blue states that are not good, but the blue states has at least potential to live up to comparable countries. The red states are far gone. If the red states were a country it would be considered a second world(not third) country, because it has all the metrics.

The blue states live long enough and are educated enough for that not to be the case.


"They're following the "Rules for Radicals" handbook to destroy America from within and turn it into a socialist backwater where everyone [except for a select few] is miserable, dirt-poor, and relying on the govt. for everything, and the WEF takes over the western world as a single totalitarian government."

Yes, klaus schwab probably gave Hillary Killton marching orders (thats why she's always attending those Take Over The World summits) to sour the American dream in order to traverse into the Great Reset more quickly but Trump thwarted those plans in 2016 so the WEF moved on to Hllary Killton 2.0 (Biden/Kamala). Now its checkmate for the next 4yrs at least.


They were the ones driving the media to "go to war" against Trump. They even had the media in other countries doing it, so now half of Europe hates Trump too.

Frankly, if there were real life Bond villains in the world, Schwab would be among them. The only thing standing between him and world domination is America.
