sure , of of course .
We liberals also support rabies , high gas prices , earthquakes, necromancy , terrorists, the killing of the first born and satan worship .
I see more of an agenda from you lot with your constant punching-down on the queer community than I’ve ever seen from a queer person just trying to live their life.
Who is "punching down" on queers trying to live their life?
Firstly, these people are untouchable, there's no punching "down" to it. Secondly, how are those minding their own business being "punched" anyway? If anyone is being "punched" (boo hoo!) it's those trying to ram their ideology and lifestyle down everyone's throat.
Which is no gay person I’ve ever known. Most of us keep quiet about our sexuality, even after coming out, because there are still so many fucking bigots to navigate in this world.
You think a regular gay guy goes into a job interview dressed in pink with a big rainbow flag on his resume, screeching how he must be hired because of equal rights for lgbt? Wake up.
You think a regular gay guy goes into a job interview dressed in pink with a big rainbow flag on his resume, screeching how he must be hired because of equal rights for lgbt?
They get those jobs because of bullshit DEI policies and then they rub the colors/demands in everyone's face.
even after coming out, because there are still so many fucking bigots to navigate in this world.
They should have stayed in the closet …
… And you should blame the 99% of your lot for exploiting and abusing that privilege.
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I have never mentioned my sexuality in an interview and it’s only ever come up in work after conversation with colleagues about what you did on the weekend, etc.
See, this is exactly what you fuckers do. Take changing societal norms that bother you and throw them back in the faces of people who are in no way militant or pushing any kind of agenda. Suggesting shit lies like all lgbt people get jobs because of DEI, never on their own merit, and then spend their working day flouncing around the office trying to get everyone else to sign up to take part in a Pride March or some such ridiculous insinuation.
Fucking boring bigoted bullshit and anyone who believes it obviously doesn’t know many lgbt people at all.
Do you think it makes gays mad they can't have children within their relationship? I think thats God and natures way of telling them what they're doing is wrong.
That is correct. They are for couples in a loving relationship who can offer a caring and supportive home. Please try and restrain your worse side in your reply.
Adoption is a legal process that gives a couple the rights and responsibilities of a child, allowing them to raise them as their own. The rest is entirely your own wishful imagination. Sorry about that.
No you’re a two dollar bigot who refers to homosexuals as pedos and fudge packers. There’s no truth in anything you say and you can use that clown as back-up as much as you want. That you need a troll like him to substantiate what you say speaks volumes about your flimsy understanding of how the real world works.
It’s your type that would have a man who essentially wins the Second World War like Alan Turning chemically castrated just because he’s gay. That’s the type of scum you are tvfart.
More to the point can anyone describe the Trinity in terms a child can understand? It is just the sort of an idea of God which could have been settled upon by a committee... oh wait...
"The Trinity is a mystery, not merely in the Biblical sense that it is a truth, which is formerly hidden, but is now revealed; but in the sense that man cannot comprehend it and make it intelligible. It is intelligible in some of its relations and modes of manifestation, but unintelligible in its essential nature. [... The Church] has never tried to explain the mystery of the Trinity, but only sought to formulate the doctrine of the Trinity in such a manner that the errors which endangered it were warded off"
Nobody can fully understand the Trinity because we aren't God. We dont have access to his intellect. But the above link tries to explain it from a Catholic perspective. I doubt you're really looking for an explanation though.
Nobody can fully understand the Trinity because we aren't God. We dont have access to his intellect.
It is revealing (and amusing) that Christians believe in something they don't fully understand. If one does not understand something how can one be certain one's belief is right? And the above just sounds like special pleading for the inherent logical problems of The Trinity the contradictions of which can be assessed rationally eg:
" those who accept the doctrine of the Trinity must face fundamental and difficult problems of philosophical logic."
... A long and detailed considerations of the problems, which boils down to in order to make sense of it all "Either we divide the substance, or we confound the Persons"
I doubt you're really looking for an explanation though.
Even if I was, it appears it will not ever be forthcoming, not being fully understandable, even to the devout, and all lol.
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If you think it is 'antagonistic' to point out when a treasured claim is illogical and (you admit) not even fully comprehensible, then you need to get out more.
You didnt even read the link.
The one where 'weaknesses' are admitted? And after reading it, can one make sense of it to a child, as asked earlier? If the Trinity is not ultimately understandable as we are all apparently too thick, then why does Tim Staples think he does grasp it, even with an analogy he finally admits is, er, 'not perfect'?
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(5a) The Father is not identical with the Holy Spirit
(6a) The Son is not identical with the Holy Spirit.
Note: No one thing can literally be the very same thing as each of two things; or, better, if something x is identical with y and with z, then y must be identical with z.
I did, thank you. Did you not see my reply? Where I asked why, if you say that the Trinity is not ultimately understandable as we are all apparently too thick, then why would Tim Staples in your link think he does? You can't have it both ways.
I was giving my opinion on the matter. Not everything I say equates to Church doctrine. Stop pretending that is the case. Tim Staples and others in the Church may fully understand it. I myself dont.
I was giving my opinion on the matter. Not everything I say equates to Church doctrine. Stop pretending that is the case.
Well it was you linking to a RC website by way of explanation, just above. Why would you do that if your ideas do not equate with the doctrine or explanation they espouse? Perhaps, after admitting to being thick, supposedly along with the rest of us, you don't any ideas of your own? My idea is common enough and requires no special pleading, word salads, obfuscation or 'imperfect analogies'. It is that the logic behind the idea of the Trinity is, quite simply, incoherent.
Tim Staples and others in the Church may fully understand it. I myself don't.
But this is a different claim to where, just earlier, you insisted that "Nobody can fully understand the Trinity". Once again: which is it?
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True dat, last time someone tried that the Christians nailed him to a tree for it.
and they seem strangely proud about that and celebrate it with iconography
Go watch Ross Matthews, the biggest and most annoying flamer I have ever seen. Totally "in your face" with his Gay Pride to where it's sickening. I guess you most not "know" him (her?).
Be gay, fine. But be a flamer like Ross and you're just further alienating yourself and your allies, and deepening the divide.
Right on cue, BenSpanties chimes in with an answer to a question he wasn’t asked. Reliable, thanks.
Good to know Smollet is responsible for lgbt infiltration into everyday life, and that you are giving him the importance that no one else has. That little attention whore should be thrilled, he’ll probably send you a cheque.
Actually I’m pretty easy going with nice people who don’t follow me around making assumptions and insinuations. I’m no great fan of those who spread misinformation about the queer community either and will call out bullshit when I see it.
Other than that though, pretty chilled in my day to day..
"A teacher in Vista Unified School District in California reportedly gave students a “coming out” assignment where they had to act out coming out as LGBTQ."
Well the left is a C💙LT so they will support anything they’re told. However most gays want to be left alone and aren’t the pink thong wearing groomers that run around on tv.
The LGBTQ grooming conspiracy theory is a far-right conspiracy theory and anti-LGBTQ trope alleging that LGBTQ people, and those supportive of LGBTQ rights, are engaging in child grooming and enabling child sexual abuse. Although the belief that LGBTQ individuals are more likely to molest children has no basis in fact, this stereotype has existed for decades in the United States and Europe, going back to before World War II.
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You have to question why, don’t you? Isn’t it some sort of abandonment of duty of care for children to perpetuate this myth, while the vast majority of child abuse victims are young girls?
Almost seems like a “look over there!” tactic so the actual pedophiles can carry on low-key amid the distraction.
Catholicism is a pagan religion masquerading as Christianity that descends from Babylonian Religion (the root of wokeness, multiple genders, pedophilia, child sacrificing, etc.)
All the evil bullshit being followed and perpetuated by Leftism.
I'm a liberal, and I don't support an agenda for them of any kind beyond the elimination of any systemic bias which would infringe on their basic civil or legal rights as citizens. However, I don't believe such bias is actively in force any longer as it once was, so it's a non-issue. On an individual citizen basis, aside from actual hate crimes of violence or abuse, I advocate for Americans to have the right to feel however they need to about LGBTQ. If they own a wedding cake business, to use one famous example, and don't want to cater to same-sex couple marriage then that decision should be respected in a free country. Liberals should know this, as the motto of "we reserve the right to refuse service" is a cornerstone of any business practice. Also, military discipline has no room for avert displays of sexuality, therefore I support the reinstatement of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" which came about during a Democratic administration.
In my view, the only one's regularly talking about "wokeness," "trans" and "drag shows for children" are those on the MAGA Right trying to score cheap political points and instigate culture wars. They exhibit cult-like behavior with how they parrot these talking points, and naturally they project their own lemming psychology onto their political opponents. To strawman is in their simpleminded DNA.
Leftists, on the other hand, are far more concerned about how income disparity and the hoarding of wealth is decimating the American Dream of a, once great, middle-class. I would support any politician who could reasonably spearhead a coalition to pass a Constitutional Amendment calling for a "wealth tax" which would eliminate every billionaire from our nation. It should only be legal to hoard up to $999,999,999.99 in funds or assets before being forced to use subsequent earnings to reinvest in the nation that provided the means and infrastructure to attain such abundance and prosperity.
Liberals should know this, as the motto of "we reserve the right to refuse service" is a cornerstone of any business practice
While I agree with a lot of what you say, and don't know a lot about business practice in the US, in the UK there are things known as 'protected characteristics', personal characteristics that are protected under the Equality Act 2010:
Gender reassignment
Marriage and civil partnership
Pregnancy and maternity
Religion or belief
Sexual orientation
It's against the law to treat someone less favorably because of a protected characteristic, including with holding service at a business. (Service can be still refused on other grounds, of course, but it must be clear that it is for none of the above).
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I agree with all that , well most , I also agree with FF's reply .
If you start letting bakeries knock homos back then where does it end?
"Gays have to give up a seat on the bus to respectable straight folk?"
"Blacks have to use the separate restroom"?
"Muslims have to use a special car on the train?"
What “systemic bias that would infringe on their basic civil or legal rights as citizens?”
And before you say it, being able to play on whatever sports team they want or be in whatever bathroom they want are not “basic civil or legal rights”, that’s special treatment.
They will support whatever they think will manipulate people into voting for them. What’s really kind of sad is now that championing for the alphabet people doesn’t seem to be a winning strategy anymore they have basically abandoned them. It’s really sick.