ranmast's Replies

Well, I just remember another threas Queen certifying that Captain Marvel wouldn't get to 365M at the domestic BO... That is what haapen to millenials, that's all they learn to do, click the links, and the contents? Fine thank you, and you? Double ouch! Not many threads needed to say how bad this movie is... I just hope it was one of the moderators who deleted your post making fun of the death of Billbrown's father. Fortunately Billbrown copied your jewels for everyone to see. You just showed you are dick and an idiot. I have seen a lot of butthurt DC fanboys during the last eleven years but you are special, you must be a Nolanite, only them went that low. Not even Queenie and Bubbathegut had sunk this low into the shit in this board. You made it, congrats... [quote][–] Satan2016 (4793) 12 minutes ago Wrong! $57m.[/quote] OK! i din't want to go there, but since you seem too stupid to read or even click on the information. [url]https://deadline.com/2019/04/shazam-opening-weekend-box-office-the-joker-pet-sematary-1202589627/[/url] Please learn to read. It is 53 oppening weekend, not 57. Not at all, but as DC makes those movies for the lower common denominator audience... Crappy DC stuff... As always Yes Let's better copy yours! [quote] [–] QueenFanUSA (1504) 2 hours ago Almost 6 million last night, bill. You still think this is coming in at "similar" numbers to Dumbo? Dumbo did 2.4 million. Shazam more than doubled that. Still think this is just coming in at 50 million OW? LOLOLOLOLOLOL P.S. I fully expect you to quickly edit and delete parts of your above post. P.S. Yes...this is going to make a LOT more than either Ant Man movie. P.S.S. Yes this is going to open higher than 75 million. P.S.S.S. This had a budget of only 80 million which makes it all the more a stunning success. P.S.S.S.S. You made a lot of embarrassing statements in your above post. I should copy them this time before you do your usual delete and edit routine.[/quote] Post of the Year candidate! What do you think? No, of course not. It is SUPERIOR. First girl superhero movie to make a billion dollars at the boxoffice. Wonder Woman (DC trinity) couldn't make it... Really? What is it you don't understand? Why would the people who like this movie (BLINDLY as you put) be butthurt (thus needing Prep.H)? Why would they? Because of the movie is succesfull becoming a billion dollar film? Because of the Marvel 22 successful movies in a row? Because of the 11 years of MCU being the king of the hill for Comic Book Movies? I don't think so. Now if you are talking of some Trolls like the OP, which like to disguise their trolling with supposedly real and well articulated complains, then you have a winner for Butthurt of the Decade. It is obvious the attack/trolling to the MCU, and you can see it with the classics: "I had to (even if I didn't want)" just to have an excuse to attack the brand (see not just the movie); the "I am talking about one movie but I have to take the opportunity and shit in all MCU"; the usual crying of "they own me something" ant its straw argument and others signs you can find in a simple paragraph. You don't want to see them, well... Damn, everyone has the right to like or dislike the movie and complain, however, when you are obviously trolling a movie that has been incredible succesfull after going against pained DC fanboys, boycotts and the anti SJW, the butthurt in your trolling shows, no matter how well you try to hide it... A billion!!!!!!! All I can help with is a Kleenex and a coupon for 30% discount on Preparation H. However, for the Prep. H coupon you have to wait on line, since in this forum there are too many people applying for it. Now, since you "had" to see the movie, I can give you two coupons when it comes to be your turn. WOW! What a stupid thread. The movie will make a billion without breaking a sweat and the trolls are twitching all around incredibly butthurt... Wow!