Not Shazam

Zack Levi is not playing the character of Shazam from the comics. Shazam is supposed to have the Wisdom of Solomon "Billy has instant access to a vast amount of scholarly knowledge and objective. He possesses an excellent mental acuity and nearly infallible wisdom, including an innate understanding seemingly all known languages and sciences. He has photographic memory and perfect recall, able retain full knowledge of all he experiences with such acuity. From this, he can read and decipher any coding, solve long mathematical equations instantaneously and make intuitive guesses based on limited data which he is almost always correct. He also has a great understanding of divine phenomena in the mortal world. The wisdom of Solomon provides him with counsel and advice in times of need. Solomon's power also gave Captain Marvel/Shazam an uncanny awareness of his circumstances akin to clairvoyance that lets him turn disadvantages into advantages. In some stories, this power also gives him the ability to hypnotize people and clairvoyance."

You do not see this in the movie in fact Zack is playing the kid like a silly preteen. The kid actor is much better.

Shazam also should have the Courage of Achilles "This aspect is mostly psychological and spiritual in nature. The courage of Achilles gives Captain Marvel/Shazam the courage and bravery of the legendary Greek hero. This gives him superhuman levels of inner strength, willpower, discipline and resolve from which to draw upon in times of hopelessness, and possibly great fighting skills. He is constantly supported by a harmonious presence of good will and unflinching courage that he never backs down from a challenge or feels any debilitating amount of fear or despair, even in the face of the most intimidating of opponents. In some stories it also gives him fighting skills.[118] It also aids the hero's mental fortitude against telepathy, mind control, and other mental attacks. In, some stories, being powered by Achilles also provided Billy with the hero's near-invulnerability."

However he runs from the villain and is scared during the first fight.

If you go to see this thinking it is about the Shazam from the comics or even some of the cartoon versions you will be disappointed.

The best parts of the movie were with the young actors when Shazam was not on screen.


Not at all, but as DC makes those movies for the lower common denominator audience...


Levi was a much better actor than the kid. Levi acted like a kid who was granted superpowers. The kid actor looked like he was in a different movie about a foster kid looking for his mother with no superpowers in the story.


Your right Levi acted like a kid, he did not act like a teenager or Shazam who has the Wisdom of Solomon and the Courage of Achilles. He is a better actor but he did not nail this part.


I can agree with that from a comic-book accuracy standpoint that Shazam is extremely lacking. But I think from a movie for kids and teens perspective he did a good job. You can't really blame Levi for the decisions to move away from the source material. I doubt he had any say in that.


Evidently it is faithful the new 52 comics which reimagined the character - including the new name. You're right, however if he was essentially replaced by someone completely different the character loses the gimmick that makes him different from other super heroes.


I have read Shazam for years it is not faithful to the New 52. If you want to know about Shazam follow the link.
Or buy the comic.


But is it faithful to the portrayal of the character up until the Geoff johns wankery of the New 52?


Seriously MovieNerd75, get over yourself.

Was reading the nonsense in your original post & I’m like “Who’s going to go for that?” The way the movie handled it was fine, a kid who at 15 is basically still a child learning to cope being in a adult body with superpowers. This movie & Mr. Levi did a excellent job of depicting how a teen would act as a superhero. None of the stuff you wrote & fussed about made any sense whatsoever. You think audiences want Spock as a superhero?

That’s part of the charm of this movie is he’s a kid, Shazam or not. This wisdom of Solomon thing you keeping pining over is just not going to sell, what you asked for would put audiences to sleep. You think people want to see a genius superhero that you described? It would knock this down 50%.

They got it right for change & wisely decided not to go that route which is the best decision they could’ve made. Maybe, just MAYBE you took that TOO literally. Meaning perhaps it means as he matures into adulthood that he’ll grow in wisdom & maturity.

As for Solomon himself, we only tell the stories where he exhibited certain amounts of great insight & judgement. Not that history drones over every word he ever said. Perhaps YOU could follow his example & show some wisdom & discretion yourself.


No reason to get over myself the nonsense as you put it is directly from DC it is their words of what they say their character is. Warner Brothers who own DC have also portrayed the character closer to the comics in their cartoons which were a hit and people found very entertaining. The change to the character came from the script and director of this film. Based on your post it is obvious you know nothing about the character if you are comparing him to Spock which BTW is a very interesting character people love watching on screen. It also sounds like you have no children as you do not know that kids, preteens act completely different than teens which Zack is supposed to be portraying in this film. As for if they got it right we will see if people continue to watch the film and it makes a ton of money then it would seem people agree with you but we can not tell that yet.


To have him immediately mature would destroy the connection hook that makes Shazam marketable. I like what they did with the character. I do also enjoy some of what they have done with him in the comics (though not really anything within the Nu-52 [not to be confused with the awesome comic "52" {within which is some of the best Black Adam stories ever told}])
The point is that they can have him slowly evolve as a character since he has "access" to these qualities. He has to get to know what he can do. I will share your misgivings if they don't eventually address this but I like that they didn't right away. It is a realistic approach that makes the character more accessible.


Then I guess this is

Why so serious tho? (Rhetorical).
