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dteam6's Replies

Yeah, it was just two no-name dealers that worked for Gus. Gilligan and Gould confirmed that Nacho never physically appeared on Breaking Bad--only mentioned in Season 2. What becomes of Nacho is anyone's guess but Michael Mando suggested that "death isn't the only option for Nacho's ending" so let's hope they give him a good sendoff, whatever it ends up being. That wasn't Nacho--it was the two dealers on Gus's crew. I forget their names but neither of them were Nacho. Not a problem! PS: You haven't seen that episode yet? Oh, MAN is that a funny one! Wait till you see the resolution to that whole baseball card fiasco--Hilarious! Season 2, Episode 2: Cobbler *Sigh* You're like every other Trump supporter I've ever had a debate with. You are literally following all the cues: calling me a liberal, Hillary supporter, democrat, etc. I'm none of those things and you guys really need to come up with some new material. I'm neither republican nor democrat. Not a liberal either. I guess I'd be considered an independent as I have no party preference and have liked/hated republican/democratic presidents alike. Party doesn't matter to me. And liberals despise me as I despise them. And my reason for bringing those examples up is simple: THIS is what Trump as president encourages in people. It doesn't matter whether Trump is pushing for people to act this way or not--because of who the man is, THIS is how many of his supporters act. This is what the man's personality draws in. I don't give a rat's a$$ what party affiliation he is--I find the man to be a deranged lunatic as a well as buffoon who doesn't know what he's doing. And before you do your predictable and scripted "Well, Obama did this and that" deflection that ALL Trump supporters I've ever debated with do, just know that I had no love for that man either. I called him "Obozo" and "Obola" all the time. But, I DO think that Trump is a bigger joke than Obama--far bigger. Trump is the ultimate loose cannon and his election turned me (a non-political person) into someone who constantly talks about politics online now. He caught my attention as well as many other people's attention. And spare me your melodrama--I never once stated that ALL Trump supporters act that way. Never once. It's impossible--Impossible--to have a debate with a Trump supporter online. All it turns into is "But Hillary! But Obama! But Benghazi!" and blah blah blah and ALL of the ones I've tried to have a debate with stall the argument up at the launch pad with deflections to those things. You're a waste of my time. Of course. She's still handling it better than Skyler, though. Are you replying to me? I question that because you didn't even address what I stated properly. I was very clear in stating that many Trump supporters over on the Yahoo Comments section stated that ALL immigrants (including legal ones) should be rounded up and KILLED. I said nothing about deportations and I was VERY specific and even mentioned that they said LEGAL ones, too. Pay attention or don't bother replying to me. And why the end-run deflection to Hillary? I said NOTHING about the woman in my post. Can one--even ONE person defend Trump WITHOUT deflecting to Hillary or Obama? I've yet to see a single one. At the rate they're going, they will have reintroduced every BB character in existence which is fine by me...except for Skyler, Flynn and Marie. Keep them the HELL away from this show--especially Skyler. What an insufferable....OK, I need to stop writing about Skyler, LOL! He sure did--every last one of them...but he forced Price to hand his H2 Hummer over to Nacho. A great read, for sure. I still can't get over the feminists--they are COMPLAINING about Kim being a strong, independent and intelligent woman in an effort to somehow demonize her fans who hated Skyler and somehow make Skyler look "more human"? That doesn't even make sense. I agree with the assessment: Kim IS Skyler Prime: she's everything that Skyler could have and should have been. Kim has just the right degrees to her: She's hard-working, strong, intelligent and recognizes her own faults. She got down into the dirty pit with Jimmy but doesn't judge him to his face for it because she's in the muck as well. Instead, she speaks to him like a HUMAN and realizes that she's in this mess out of her own volition. Skyler wasn't like that. She recognized the blood on her hands, sure, but she continued to demonize Walt and took some pretend moral high ground over him, thinking she was somehow entitled such a thing. Skyler was vile and nasty. I hated Walt. He was a complete psychopath and I had zero sympathy for him by the end of the series but Skyler wasn't much better. The fact that she constantly took this fake moral high ground really irked me--she was a terrible person as well. Kim isn't like that--she owns her part of it and doesn't deem herself better or worse than Jimmy. She accepts that Jimmy is who he is, hopes for better but ultimately owns her part in it as well as her choice to stay in that mess. She doesn't make it out to be Jimmy's fault but her own. Skyler doesn't act like that--she does nothing but look at Walt with judgmental, vindictive eyes, all the while committing crimes of her own and doing NOTHING to put a stop to it all and, despite what Skyler fans say, Skyler ALWAYS had the power to pull the plug on Walt. She just chose not to. This is the fundamental difference between Kim and Skyler: both committed crimes for and along with their men but Kim, unlike Skyler, owned her part in it and didn't deflect to Jimmy as the sole problem. And plenty of poorly educated voted for him, that's for sure. And many (not all, mind you) of Ronald's supporters are trigger-happy, war-hungry, racist, bigoted and xenophobic. Don't ever look on Yahoo Comments. My God, that place is a cesspool--there are hardened Ronald supporters over there calling for all immigrants (even legal ones) to be rounded up and killed and they get HUNDREDS of thumbs up on those statements. There are some incredibly sick, deranged and evil people out there. Worst of all--these same people call themselves "Christians". *Facepalm* PS: They call people "liberal" and "democrat" all the time. In their minds, any anti-Ronald person is a liberal/democrat. It boggles the mind how T. Ronald Dump was ever elected president. It boggles the mind even more that this guy not only has supporters--but a LOT of them. It also boggles the mind that the majority of his supporters are the ones who will be a$$ reamed the most from this budget and healthcare plan of his. They basically handed Ronald their balls and right to life. Congratulations. This is the biggest joke of a presidency this country has ever seen and, after Obozo, that's saying a LOT. Obama at least FELT like a president. Ronald feels like a hillbilly in a suit. Ah, I see! Well, thank you! I'm flattered. I have a lot of passion for this show. Good to see you here! :) The one and only. ;) Forgive me, but did we know each other from there? Yes. Once it was revealed in Season 1 that Chuck was orchestrating all that crap, I instantly grew to love Hamlin. Hamlin is the closest thing to a "normal" person in this show. He has a bit of an ego but it's a simple lawyer/boss ego you'd expect. He's just a man wanting to do his job and protect his reputation. I actually hope for the best for Hamlin. The actor playing him is funny as hell and Hamlin has proven himself to be a reasonable man. He also has an undying loyalty to Chuck which (while possibly misplaced) lends a lot of credibility to the type of person he is. Hamlin is excellent. Stacy (Kaylee's mom) also needs to be added to the list. She appeared briefly in one scene on Breaking Bad, though she was played by a different actress. Still, I think it counts. You could consider Nacho as another. Yes, he didn't appear in person in Breaking Bad but his name was dropped in Season 2 of Breaking Bad and was confirmed by Gilligan, Gould and Mando to be the same Nacho. The Mexican doctor (forget his name) who met with Mike this season is the same doctor from Season 4 of BB who performed surgery on Mike and Gus after Eladio's death. One of the nurses from BB (again, can't remember the name) was in one of the hospitals in BCS. "Gun Guy" from BB is on BCS for at least two episodes when Mike was purchasing a sniper rifle from him. The cop (forget his name) that responded to the baseball card call is the same cop who responded to Skyler's call about Walt's "breaking and entering". It could also prime them to involve Jesse in some way or even resolve his storyline. Seeing Jimmy finding a new way to be his true self in Omaha would be great. He can't be a lawyer anymore but could at least find a new way to express his lively personality and be happy again. Yeah, I can't find the specific article I read regarding that but if you look online you'll find many articles since 2015 where they talk about that. I really wish I could find that one particular article from last month because they flat out reveal that the series MAY pick up for one or more full seasons eventually. I was surprised because I never expect the series to bookend on an ENTIRE Gene season--just the last few episodes or finale--but the way they worded it sounded like they might even have more than one Gene season in mind. I was happy to read the article and hear them say: "We feel there is a lot we could cover from the post-Breaking Bad world." Either way, we at least have the assurance that they fully intend to bookend this show with "Gene" whether it be a few episodes or a full season or so. I think this season's "Jimmy suspended from the law" angle could be an experiment of sorts from their end to see if a lawyer-less Jimmy could be a compelling character. I think he could. If so, that might bolster their confidence in continuing the show with Gene because, in reality, they couldn't write him as a lawyer. I think this should could benefit from showing a post-Breaking Bad Jimmy trying to find himself again and gaining a new niche that allows him to be his "true" Saul Goodman self again. Gilligan and Gould suggested that the show would take place before, during and after Breaking Bad before Season 1 was released. Since Season 2, we've had a resurgence of Breaking Bad characters re-introduced into BCS and Season 3 is just spitting them out like a copy machine so yes--I think it's very possible we'll get an overlap. Having said that, I'm now thinking this overlap will happen in the final season but then again...who knows at this point? I always expected them to end the show with a few episodes in the "Gene" timeline since that is present day but Gilligan has now suggested that the show could possibly run on longer with Gene's story at center stage. At this point, it sounds like they may be contemplating one day continuing the show at present day for much longer than I was expecting. Fine by me. We can't linger in the past forever. An ENTIRE season or multiple seasons with "Gene" would be fantastic as long as they could somehow harness in most of the principle cast, one way or another. I think that Gilligan and Gould want to avoid a premature ending again like with Breaking Bad. BCS is on fire right now and I think they want to continue taking their time with it. That's fine by me. Bring on the "Gene" seasons!