MovieChat Forums > dteam6 > Replies

dteam6's Replies

We, at the very least, know that Nacho is still alive around the Breaking Bad timeline. If you remember, in Season 2, Saul thought that Jessie and Walt were sent by "Ignacio" which Gilligan and Gould confirmed is actually Nacho. Don't be so sure about Nacho dying: Michael Mando (who plays him) suggested that "death isn't the only option". I'm here! :) Agreed "The Winter Soldier" already broke that curse. The Winter Soldier is actually my most-watched MCU movie. My wife and I watch it twice a year. I find it refreshing. Both BB and BCS have shown plenty of "average" looking people and I enjoy it. BB and BCS are meant to be more "grounded" and "gritty" shows and this only works in their favor. I'm Mario! I can take it. :D Maybe it's just the way I perceive things, but the very first thing that popped in my mind was the movie "Face/Off" when you said that--you know, the one with John Travolta and Nicolaus Cage? "We're gonna take his face.....OFF!" You've never flown in a plane? You should definitely grab onto an opportunity to do so one day if you're ever able to--it's one of the most terrific experiences you'll ever have. Seeing the clouds below you and nothing but blue above you is the greatest thing in the world. It's like flying over a valley of cotton. Moonlight flights are great as well. You'd love it. As someone who's flown in a plane, I'm convinced that not a single flat earther has ever flown in a plane. They couldn't have. NO ONE could fly in a plane an still believe the world is flat. LOL! Allegedly, Donald Trump once made an indication that he might believe in that ridiculous theory. Some of the flat earther videos cited some quotes from him where he supposedly supported the theory. If true, we have a flat earther for a president, LOL!!! Frighteningly, these flat earthers BREED...and pass this info off to their children! O_o That's the spirit! You need to spread that particular brand of Catsidhe "love" around the other boards like the old days. Hurry your a$$ up, Cat! We don't have all day for you to catch up with BCS! ....Kidding! ;) .....Maybe. :D LOL! Don't forget "Marvelites", "Marvelturds" and other gems from the zealots. :P Yeah, I can't wait for this place to truly take off. If enough people come here, this will feel like the old IMDB again. I've been recommending many old IMDB pals to come here and some already have. And "globe-heads"--they also call us "globe-heads". The funniest part is when they say things like: "You globe-heads need to get a clue!" LOL!!! It's mind-boggling. They will claim that aspects of gravity, the concept of satellites, etc are all "ridiculous and unbelievable" but are willing to believe the sun is rotating around the earth and showing "strobe lights" while the moon's phases are caused by an "anti-moon" that travels in front of it. They can believe ALL of that over proven concepts of gravity and physics. I people exist... Yeah, and how they claim that our airplane windows are "fisheye lenses". I've flown in plenty of planes and I know what I see outside of a plane and I can see the curvature of the earth. I'm convinced that these flat earthers are very sheltered millennials who have never flown a plane or left their hometowns...or maybe even homes. LMAO!!! Yes, and the other aspect of this flat earther thing is: WHY....WHY would they want to "deceive the masses" with such a lie? It's funny, too, because I read some of the most insane "theories" from flat earthers and normal people like us would respond to them with: "You can believe all that but can't believe that the world could be a sphere?" These nuts even believe that, if the earth were round, people would be flying planes off into space. They're crazy--they think all the pilots are "in on it", "GPS doesn't exist" and I guess that means that our little old "crazy talk" of North, South, East and West would be irrelevant. It's funny and scary at the same time how far they'll go. Yeah, the problem in my country is that you can't recommend ANY sort of gun control. Here in my country if a celebrity even says: "We should have SOME sort of gun control--not a ban, just some tighter laws" THOUSANDS of people will instantly dump them as fans and/or rage on said celebrity and call them things like "Liberal snowflake". You simply CAN'T reason with people here in my country about gun control and now our clown of a president just made it EASIER for insane people to obtain guns. I it really such a bad thing to want SOME form of gun control? Even something as simple as required psyche evaluations or something would be good enough--SOMETHING. But, nope--people in my country don't want to hear it--any of it. So THAT'S what that bar is all about! Gotcha, thanks! I hear you. I believe in a God but I don't let it stand in the way of science. I believe in evolution, dinosaurs--all that. I also believe that there is other life in this vast, vast universe of ours and that our creator (if there is one) either created all of those worlds or several creators did. That's the other thing I hate--people nowadays don't seem to want to equate science and believe in a higher power--as if they somehow can't mesh together. I see no reason why they can't. Too bad more people can't think that way, you know? And kudos to the health care gun laws aspect. Here in America people won't even HEAR of ANY sort of gun regulation--NOTHING...and what do we have? Shootings every couple days. It's ridiculous. Agreed regarding Trump. This shouldn't be a war of "parties"--it should be deciding who is the BEST president, period. All these party wars is what led us to the mess we're in now. As for the Elvis stuff--I don't believe he's alive but I find it fun to entertain the idea of it a bit. But that's all that I'm doing--these flat earthers (not the trolls, obviously) genuinely believe this stuff. It's one thing to entertain the idea for fun (we all do that with aspects of life) but when you devote your mindset to/surrender your way of thinking to it you might as well question your own existence, as you stated. LOL at the Donald Trump thing. I don't want to open THAT can of worms here but I agree with you on that. I still can't believe that people think the Holocaust didn't happen. That Elvis stuff is more of a mixture of people who WANT to believe he lived a happy life and "escaped" the stress of stardom as well as people who think his CIA connections played into it. While ridiculous, it still has a few of those small "chances" attached to it, how small they are, but Flat Earth has NOTHING going for it--nothing but conjecture. The members of it literally deny science that was established LONG before computers/NASA even existed. It boggles the mind, really. Yeah, I tried getting discussions going on the Batman vs Superman and Better Call Saul boards but only a couple people posted and then moved on. Hopefully this site will pick up traffic. It's the best IMDB replacement for sure.