MovieChat Forums > dteam6 > Replies

dteam6's Replies

I've been better. It's a rough year. Hopefully 2018 will go better. LOL! Very sorry, my friend. I need a new nickname for that fool. He's not a nice cat and needs to be spayed, LOL! Then you're doing it right, Cat. ;) How have you been? That's the problem with trumpers: you think all haters of Trump are leftists/liberals. Your cheeto god has programmed you well, little Trumpbot. Let me save you the trouble--next you will call me a Hillary supporter. LOL! 1. It's only 2 hours long so it lessens eye strain. After all, 2 hours of rolling your eyes is better than 3. 2. It bombed which betters our chances of seeing WB take the DCCU out to the woodshed and shoot it. 3. We may never see manboobs Batfleck again. 4. More memes for us to use. So, what you're saying is that it's a colorful turd. ;) Black Panther trailer alone is better than the entirety of the DCCU. In other words, it's a turd. Or, as Admiral Ackbar would say: "It's a TURD!" Well aren't you a ray of sunshine... Good. Let this send a clear message to Disney. My wife and I were originally set to warch Star Wars for Christmas but cancelled those plans as soon as the spoilers leaked. For once I'm grateful to have been spoiled. It saved us time and money. We stayed home yesterday and watched Home Alone 1 and 2 instead. Disney won't get another dime from us for their Star Wars movies. Vote with your wallets, people--it's the ONLY thing that Disney understands. PS: F vck Rain and Kennedy. That's the problem with most Trumpers: they are stubborn and unable to acknowledge reality. You guys would follow your glorious cheeto god off the edge of a cliff. Thankfully, there are a few reasonable Trumpers out there but they aren't as outspoken as loud buffoons like you. :) I wouldn't at all be surprised if this Rain project is cancelled...then again--maybe not. Disney's aggressive defense of Rain may be our answer: they want to undo everything Lucas ever did and redo Star Wars in their own vision. That's why that d-bag Rain was brought in. He seems completely uninterested with the Star Wars mythology and seems to quite oddly be in love with himself. Look at that smug idiot--he gas this "please punch me" type of face and is in love with his own dumb vision for Star Wars. Why Disney is hellbent on doing to Star Wars what Sony did to Ghostbusters is beyond me. Have fun losing money on Star Wars, Disney--we old fans are your main BO base and myself and many others are jumping ship. You think some "new generation" will save this? Watch reality set in as your returns for future films shrink further and further. Idiots. There are many republicans who hate Trump. Three Trumpers I know find his wall idea to be silly and impractical. So even several Trump supporters aren't on the Trump Train 100%. What few 100% loyal Trumpers I've met have all said something racist, hate all immigrants and talk about some "revolution" that is apparently "coming soon". These ones are nuts. Wake up and smell the coffee: only a small minority of people in this world support Donald Trump. The majority of Americans and the world dislike or downright hate him. So they were disappointing in your OPINION. See, I'm talking about factual disappointments: IE: box office/overall score and reception. I can understand your complaints about not being original but the DCCU movies did those same invasion plotlines. It's the execution that counts. I understand if you don't like them but the FACTS are these: MCU had better BO/reception with their Avengers films than DCU bad with JL. --them ever since. WB has yet to do that. From the VERY beginning they were divisive, controversial and hated by many. They should have wiped the slate clean and started over right there. RIGHT there...but they didn't. They got lazy and thought they could just "Batman" their way out with BVS. When that didn't work they turned to copying MCU's humor and structure. Now that has gotten them worse results and what do they do? Announce more movies that no one is interested in. If they keep going at the rate they're going I doubt most of that slate outside of what's been filmed will see the light of day. This Justice League result is AWFUL. PATHETIC. ALARMING. All that should be going through their minds right now is: "If our ultimate teamup can't save this thing then what can?" Simple as that. But I don't think the idiots will--I think they're going to continue compounding their mistakes, use Wonder Woman as a crutch, continue copying MCU and will drive themselves into the ground. Justice League didn't just underperform--it essentially flopped. Their first flop of the DCCU and it was THEIR Avengers movie, no less. There is NO positive way to spin that--NONE. There is NO way to work and improve from their in the present continuity. They need to kill this whole thing off and start over fresh and clean Exactly. WB needs to stop thinking that everything DC needs to be dark and serious. On that same token they need to hire better comedy writers, better actors and better directors/producers. They need to stop being so reactionary to everything as well. They act like a new kid on the block desperate to fit in and willing to do ANYTHING to be like "the cool kids". What worked so well with Burton Batman way back then? They way I look at it is this: they weren't viewing anything as a competition. They took a comic book property and had fun with it, not knowing if the concept would work or not. They took a deep risk and gamble that paid off. Gee, what does that sound like? That's right--it sounds like what MCU did. Somewhere along the way WB lost their way with their DC property and never truly found a way to get it back. They need someone with a love, fire and passion at the helm of their DCCU. They need a true Kevin Feige as well as a special division that only focuses on DC films, just like what Disney Marvel has done. Furthermore, they need to dump everything they have now--all of it--and start COMPLETELY over. They need to swallow their pride and accept: 1. "We fcked up." 2. "We'll never catch up to MCU at this point." 3. "We have to just do our own thing." MCU caught lightning in a bottle and every single attempt to mimic it by multiple companies has failed/drawn in mixed results. Their biggest problem right now is their apparent refusal to dump it all and start over. They refuse to. They keep adding and adding and adding to the mound of $hit they started making and won't call it a day and start over. They'll never even so much as have a HOPE of pulling themselves out of this mess if they don't bite the bullet and start over. They need a built-in audience who will have faith in them. They can't achieve that now--it's impossible. Their foundation is weak and full of controversy: MOS and BVS. MCU caught people in their net from the very beginning and had-- And yet none of that negates the fact that Justice League is making the type of money their first solo Superman movie made. Their version of Avengers for the DCCU not only won't crack a billion--it won't even make as much money as any other solo movie other than Man of Steel. Their large, ambitious Justice League team-up movie made the lowest box office of the entire DCCU. The movie they rushed toward, foregoing solo movies for half the League, is the one that fell on its ass the hardest. The moral of the story here? Don't rush a fcking cinematic universe just to try and catch up with a rival company. They were burned for doing so and deservedly so. Rain just added yet another reason to the laundry list of reasons for us all to hate him. Aw, damn! This is what I get for not posting here regularly--I didn't even make finals! LOL! On IMDB I won these contests a time or two. I'd better up my game! PS: Congratulations, Twisted! You've done us all proud. :D Boycott! They had way more personality than Eisenberg!