Let's try the positives

This movie has a TON of negatives. Let's see if we can't list some of the things they should try to keep moving forward. Even if this particular franchise may not continue far into the future, hopefully we will get movies with these characters that will finally be the movies that we've always wanted. The things I did like:

1. Superman was shown to be an absolute badass.
2. Many of the female characters were hot.
3. Ummm.....


Retrospectively I can tell you what I liked about the movie but in what I liked about JL isn't something that can be used to move forward.

In the stinger I liked the playful race between Supes and Flash which solidifies both as able to have a bit of fun in a Snyder-Verse that has no hope. But that scene wasn't part of the movie.

I liked after credit scene of a Proper looking Lex Luthor and the hint of the Injustice League (or whatever they want to call them) with Deathstroke that implied a reason for the Justice League staying together or being called upon. But again that wasn't in the movie.

I liked that Batman got knocked down a peg and it appears that Diana may be more of a leader on the team than Batman going forward. I'd prefer Superman was a clear leader but they turned Supes into a naïve, inexperienced hero. Come to think of it the team is more of a Millennial version of the Teen Titans with Batman playing Robin. Yikes!!

I liked that this older Batman has turned the corner and is now a more user-friendly Batman?
The "League" is together. Did they ever call themselves the Justice League?
Atlantis is in place and Arthur Curry won't be an Anti-Hero attacking the Earth-Dwellers?

I quit. There weren't a whole lot of Positives in the film.


1 - I'd fuck Gal
2 - it made the DCEU fanboys cry
3 - it didn't make anywhere near the 2 billion DCEU fanboys spent years claiming it would. Not even 1. And isn't even breaking even.
4 - DCEU is pretty much dead.


1. It's only 2 hours long so it lessens eye strain. After all, 2 hours of rolling your eyes is better than 3.

2. It bombed which betters our chances of seeing WB take the DCCU out to the woodshed and shoot it.

3. We may never see manboobs Batfleck again.

4. More memes for us to use.
