MovieChat Forums > dteam6 > Replies
dteam6's Replies
I saw a BLM rally in my hometown. Drove past it a few weeks ago. I was within a few feet of them. No rioting, burning, violence--nothing. They were holding signs and staging a peaceful event.
I'm a real person in real life giving this real eyewitness account. Of course, if we go by the blithering idiot you worship, all these BLM protesters are violent criminal troublemakers. That's how he frames it and that's how his clown base (you) mindlessly reinforce it.
There WAS, however, a lone troublemaker at that event: a Trump support waving a "Trump 2020" flag and just continually shouting "TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!" over and over and over again. Everything was quiet until that loudmouth showed up.
But you're a sheep. You'll either call me a liar or somehow reason that the BLM group was in the wrong while the Trump knuckle dragger who crashed the event was in the right.
He's the most willing and eager of the group for sure.
Yep. Immediate deflection to an unrelated subject, gaslighting, labeling me as a democrat--the whole 9 podunk yards you'd come to expect from the Trump zombies at this point.
Four years and these fucking idiots are still repeating the same old tired lines.
LOL! I love your analogy. It's surprisingly befitting that clown.
He thinks it's funny. In reality, everyone sees him as a fucking idiot.
Why are you avoiding my question?
He has no one but himself to blame.
I've noticed. Several of them have let their racist sides come out more than usual as well.
Ah, the infamous Walter Reed aka: "Everything Is Fine! Nothing To See Here!".
I smell a fish...
His supporters are the idiots up front laughing at every unfunny joke while the rest of us keep checking the clock.
Why, thank you. :) You're kind. Very kind. Tremendous. Some people are saying my impressions of Donald Trump are the most beautiful they've ever seen.
LOL! I'm surprised it took this moron THIS long to finally get it. All that walking around, maskless, thinking he was immune. What a moron.
And what's that? Biden is fine? Test negative? Hmmmm...what does Biden do that Trump doesn't? Oh, that's right--he WEARS A MASK.
GOD, Donald is stupid...
I guess it makes sense. How else could one support Ronald Dump?
Good. Poetic justice.
Put your brain back in the oven--it's still cold in the middle.
I HIGHLY doubt that. Getting COVID undermines literally everything Donald has been trying to push about this virus for months now. Getting COVID would be, in his mind, an admission of defeat.
No, he's saying he has COVID because the news supposedly leaked that he did and this isn't an easy thing to hide. He's trying to get out ahead of it, claim he had "the bigliest mild symptoms" and use it as fodder for why COVID is being "overblown". "See? It was like a cold. A mild--very mild cold. Nothing to worry about!".
Trust me--he'll try to spin this into something.
Regardless of what he says, his supporters--on this board and off--will have their knee pads ready to kiss his ass and automatically agree with/cheer one whatever he says like always.
To hell with Donald.
Orange bastard was willing to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of American lives to try to safeguard his own reelection. Why the hell should I or anyone feel a shred of compassion for him?
FUCK Donald.
"I had the bigliest COVID diagnosis! TREMENDOUS! Some doctors are saying it's the most beautiful COVID infection they've ever seen! Big. Very big. And it was COVID. Very COVID. Tremendous."