MovieChat Forums > Politics > Trumpers send in elcamino as their canar...

Trumpers send in elcamino as their canary in the coal mine, as Trump is hospitalized with COVID

Per usual, when news like this breaks, Trumptards send in elcamino as their canary in the coal mine.

Hardly a word from any Trumptards in the past 12 hours or so. Where's NormalAbnormal , Bubby, Stormy, B1cKsurN, LordBullshit, Grubbyio, and Public Moron for starters? Crickets from them.

Wow - they've all scattered like roaches when the lights go on.

I don't think they'd be this quiet if Biden, Harris or Pelosi were the ones diagnosed with COVID.

Watch them send in elcamino once again by himself on November 4.


LOL! I love your analogy. It's surprisingly befitting that clown.


I mean it's true, isn't it ? Every time something like this goes on with Trump (like his impeachment) they stay away and push poor elcamino into the deep end of the pool to see how the water is. I guess they feel he's the most expendable.


He's the most willing and eager of the group for sure.


Personally, I'd describe him a little differently, but let's go with 'willing and eager'.


It will be November 12th before the supreme court says Donald won.


On November 12, the Supreme Court may be hearing opening arguments from Ivanka Trump, contesting daddy's will in the case against Melania.


I would think after all the fails you have had you would quit speculating by now.


I find iti odd that they work in unison. Very cult-like of them.


I mean not a peep from them! Their silence is very odd - but I must admit, very enjoyable.


So a dead Trump is the October Surprise? Doesn't seem like a good strategy for him.


It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for him.


What if President Grassley or President Pompeo is the October Surprise? Or maybe things will get so bad the My Pillow Guy will eventually get it.



Never had there been an October surprise like this one!


I see that weirdo MFer is still posting propaganda bullshit posts.


Its shameful that the admins let these people make jokes about Trump and Republicans dying. Its sick.


Trump and the other Republicans infected with COVID are 'dying' ? Please, continue...


You're enjoying this, aren't you?


Maybe they all have Covid too.


They now have sent Grubby-BO into the coal mine. I guess they're really scraping the bottom of the barrel.


What are people supposed to say, dogdump? Even if it was Biden, what are you expecting people to say?

To realize that Alyssa Milano has more class than the lot of you is quite telling. Obviously, you dems are made of 50 cent komrades, anti-fa and BLM pillagers, and ignorami spreading their propaganda for free. Truly stupid, just FYI.

What would the right wingers say? Thoughts and prayers, just like Biden said, but when the right say it, it isn’t sufficient. Such double standard you retards show day in and day out.

You’ve lived hypocritical lives for so long, the word has been rendered meaningless to you.

Nevertheless, pray continue.


You seemed to have an awful lot to say.
