[email protected]'s Replies

same here I just finished the season.. It was good but still some vague parts and unnecessary moments but all in all a good series. They ended with Mable her daughter about to learn the identity of her father. The man who abused Covie... If season 2 happens, that will be the storyline. Just saw ur reply..Thanks! What was the dessert they presented to the Uncle at the restaurant opening night? Listen up.... The first 2 episodes didnt catch me but I kept going and it did not disappoint. Worth the watch,,especially the second season. You will see his past relations with his dysfunctional family and it all will make sense. Give it a shot. Omg yesssss that episode had me floored. I did not expect the second season to have so many great actors popping up. Agreed. Very very rare that connection is.. I agree...It takes its time..Thats a better way to say it and I stand corrected I love your writing..so articulate. I just watched this film last night and agree with all you say. I must say I didnt care for Nora as much as I would like to have. I felt she cut him off too fast and when she said they would take space and talk soon, I thought thats what she really intended to do... To then see she married another man, in that time space she took, I felt that was just cold. A bit of a betrayal.. He didnt deserve another 12 years. I did appreciate that her husband was portrayed as a decent man that would never be able to share her history or background, that his acceptance of her feelings for another man was almost expected. Yet there was part of me that felt she not only cheated her childhood love, but that she cheated herself as well. The character that kept me watching was Selby. He was multifaceted with a vulnerability that was very convincing. Costello bothered me,,perhaps because of how she mothered her child. It was torment for that kid to live in a million places, or none at all. Worth the watch as a binge. Yes sorry my mistake So I hated it... I wanted to like it so badly and it started out great with her coming out of jail. Then that first murder just ruined it for me.. I did not think it was part comedy. Not my thing.. Had they left it as a drama series I would have been all in. With a great actress like Justina I just didnt like this series for her. Yes and yes I agree All valid points// Good observations glad to see I am not alone in this. It took on such a "lifetime Network" feel instead of what Showtime usually puts out so I found myself liking detective Sunday more than I expected. He was easy on the eyes, but the storyline was tedious and predictable. I doubt there will be a season 2. It got more unrealistic as the episodes progressed but I have to say I liked his boxer nose.. He is very handsome, but unfortunately his puppy dog looks, and quiet brooding gets tiresome after awhile. your comment cracked me up with the teeth lol Theres a great site for free called ..Flixtor But u must wait until off peak time to view.. Give it a shot.