Yeah, this is gonna work

So, 42 years after the bad movie, some asshat barfs up this terrible idea. I don’t know where it’s going to be carried, but I’m guesses my FOX or Netflix.

Escorts were originally men, hired by aristocratic ladies, because no proper lady could attend a social event unescorted. Escorts were not necessarily prostitutes. Today, the subrequet has become corrupted, as has our culture in general. My question on this show’s premise is: what aristocratic lady is going to hire a guy as an escort who’s done 15 years in the can.

“Sally, tell me about your friend here.”
“Oh, he just got out of prison after doing 15 years.”

Yeah, that’s realistic.


Just saw the first episode. It wasn't terrible


Problem is the casting is fucked up royally. Richard Gere played Julian in the movie, this series takes up where it left off and now Julian has gotten ugly as fuck with a nose from a boxer that never learned to duck. It also ignores the ending of the movie where the woman married to a rich man decided to come out as his alibi.


The original had some things going for it that disguised a nonsense script. I'm not interested enough to see that repeated. Also the original was pre-AIDS making it look pretty crazy with that hindsight.


I'm not saying the original was high art, it was really just style over substance much like your TV shows of that era like Miama Vice. The reality is given Julian was a pretty boy gigolo in the first film, if he didn't get freed by his alibi he would have likely gotten AIDS in prison as someone like him would have been traded around like a baseball card at a boy scout camp.


It got more unrealistic as the episodes progressed but I have to say I liked his boxer nose.. He is very handsome, but unfortunately his puppy dog looks, and quiet brooding gets tiresome after awhile.

