[email protected]'s Replies

Just saw this movie and its 2023.... To show this to high school students is fine because its an education that not all kids have privileged lives. Many children in many countries live like this. They are laborers for their parents. In some Amish Communities children who try to live the English life get shunned by the community along with their entire families. To marry, one must get permission from the Bishop and if he says no, then it a no. My point is if children live in unfortunate circumstances then it should be part of other childrens education. The film was good. It wasnt a masterpiece but it was good. Worth the watch. yes worth the watch. If only for the music and a decent story... Come back here and tell what u think if u watch Usually books are better than the films, but by your description the book sounds like it sucks. Try watching the season. If anything the music is good and Riley does have a beautiful voice. She can belt it out. I had to research to see if they were actually singing and yes, both main actors were. I loved Rileys voice so for me it was enjoyable...Being a teenager in the 70s myself, it was good enough for me to binge it in 2 days The beauty of it was they were actually singing. Riley has a beautiful voice. I agree very moving film.. The twist of the husband and best friend didnt seem necessary though... until she explained how that gave her the strength to make the decision... she wanted them to be there for each other after she was gone.. not sure when that relationship started though.. I know many like the comedy drama but I prefer it being one or the other.. I almost gave up by episode 3...I only finished it because im kinda OCD with not finishing a series if its halfway decent.. I wouldnt watch a second season.. Thats how I found out about this series...There was an article saying the main actor went on some podcast condoning rape. The backlash was harsh and he recanted, saying he made that all up. The powers that be were not happy and had to do some damage control. It did go on longer than it shouldve... You are a very articulate writer..Its appreciated and I do agree with you although its 2023 and 13 years after you wrote the post, lol It was an awful series in my opinion. Very frustrating for the viewer..And the ending was ridiculous.. after all that and she lets him go. Lame AF I regretted watching. Shame too since the actors were great..Script sucked. It sucked. My first time too and its 2023! Fabulous actors and totally believable but I was bummed out the entire day today. Very sad and emotional. The frustrations of the two men were palatable..Very intense. I first thought they were actors with true disabilities thats how good they were. God bless anyone with such struggles. I commented here 3 years ago but finally I think you stated the right answer on this. sorry I just saw ur reply today.. I think u are right,,she wanted to anger him to get punished. Although Tate told her to leave for a week, and to stay at a hotel...Maybe it was Tate or the black man that killed him, but since Tate found the necklace in the book with his drawn photo I think its her that killed him. The movie was along the lines of a lifetime movie for me..Not deep enough and the dialogue was weak. my lord you boys need to chill out even though you were here five years ago, lol.