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[email protected]'s Replies
I totally agree
I totally agree. He was explosive, controlling and the biggest enabler of all. The movie had the makings of a real hit, but instead it was consumed with long scenes that went on forever and the ending was disappointing.
It couldve been so much better. Mental illness affects everyone in the family, but this film distracted from that very thing with all the commotion and yelling for 2 full hours.
There was an episode that made me rate it a bit lower. (no spoilers here).. The series kept my attention enough to finish it, and I did enjoy most of it,,,,but I do feel in time I will forget this series..It wont stand out as something I will never forget. Its worth the watch anyway.
ps. I can watch Natalie Portman do anything. She steals every scene.
Love your articulate response.
I cant find the Dahmer film by the same director,,if you can point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.
I agree...I loved Feud bette and joan, and also loved Feud about Truman. The menendez brothers was very well executed, and the characters were convincing.. I love me some Chloe and Javier so they had me there lol.
Agreed,,I did not feel any investment in the characters at all..They didnt develop during the film, hence it being a very tedious film. I usually love a gritty and offbeat film and this couldve been it...But it just wasnt.
Oh wow thats a bit extreme lol. Come on now.
I agree with you. I love Indie films and seeing that Chloe was in it was a draw for me (I just finished the new movie with her in the Menendez brothers and she was great as usual).. I thought this film was gritty and realistic but after a full hour of no plot, no storyline , no direction, I became bored. The last half hour was tedious but I forged ahead.
It couldve been a great film. There were some unique characters..Some felt real and not actual actors but I could be wrong. The killing of the cats kinda repelled me but I know none were hurt in the making of the film but still it was disturbing. I know that was the point.
I wouldve liked to have seen more of their home life,,their parents and how they made income to live in a town devastated by the tornado. Instead it was filled with random moments that went nowhere which is why it fell flat for me.
You have some very valid points and you wrote with precision and clarity which I always appreciate. In the opening scene introduced to us viewers, Dickie and Marge were laying on the beach..Her head in his lap, very relaxed, letting the day roll on...thats when Tom deliberately stumbled upon them. From that scene I thought Marge and Dickie were bonded by the same lifestyle, both in their creative arts.. But you are right..He was detached from her as the film progressed. She loved him more than he loved her which was clear. Speaking for myself, I did not like his demise. He was a captivating character from the start and leaving us with the remainder of the film prominently with Ripley was tedious at best. The beauty of the film made up for it though.
And the detective already met him as Dickie, to then not recognize him as Tom just because Tom put on a beard and longer hair???? COME ON NOW!
Yep this is true,,,they left it open ended.. Also they left Jack in the lurch too... Did Gias test result show up negative? Positive? Did she contact Jack, as he is the father to the baby...? I liked the series but unfortunately the ending seemed rushed and vague.
I was never a big fan of his, but he did do some good acting in this. Although I dont feel the film is as good as I heard it was. I loved seeing many of the actors from the sopranos, and surprised to see Michael Rappaport briefly in it, but the film itself was tedious in too many scenes. I watched it for the first time tonight. its 2024
Sean Penn always intrigued me,,,his acting is very credible to me. The guts of the film centered on their conversations. Their exchanges held my attention..But it grew tedious being set in the cab for the entire film. Would have liked to have seen these characters in a different setting.
Your comments were written in a very clear and concise manner..I appreciate the articulate descriptions of the film. I agree Baker kept us at arms length from the characters... unfortunately , for me, if I cannot connect with the characters or its story, especially if it does not evolve, it then becomes a tedious experience. The actors were superb. The story and plot fell flat for me, when it couldve been quite the masterpiece had the film taken on momentum and gave us the insights without the detachment.
Very accurate for you to describe that minute 110 stood in the same place as minute one.
I never saw her super hero stuff. I thought the standout was Penn. For me the film wouldve been better not set in the cab the entire time. The story couldve gone elsewhere,,been bigger. It was a good film nonetheless
the least of his worries, lol
being that Joan is the actress as the mean warden in the Handmaids Tale, she kinda fit the part. Blessed be.
You are a bit dark but I did say to myself , damn that kid is really really not attractive at all. I feel bad because shes just a child but she really was not blessed in that dept.