MovieChat Forums > pankoeken > Replies
pankoeken's Replies
Me too. Most recently last spring in Atlanta after consuming edibles. Not quite the same as the LSD trip Wayne Coyne would probably recommend but still a lot of fun.
Like the reverse of The Flaming Lips. Sort of. Although TFL went from hard hitting, angry rock music to psychedelic experimental happy core. At least they found their niche and are enjoying success. They put on a very entertaining show as well.
Why would anyone think you would brag about that? The fact you seem to be a silly white guy that wants to be a black guy totally negates your earlier hilarious comments. Now you're just as pathetic as those millennials if not more so. You're just an old ass version of them. An embarrassingly cliched old ass version.
Mores the pity.
Land of Rape and Honey is a great album.
"monkeysucking white boy" Hilarious.
"soul sucking conversating between Millennials" Is there any other kind between millennials?
Sadly those are not the only things I don't like but those are indeed 2 of the things.
His rowing skills will be the key to defeating the night king.
Maybe there's no amazingly dull oddballs prattling on and on and on about pre gunpowder warfare in westeros so no one knows the Dothraki can't win.
Obviously Jamie had borrowed cersei's plot armor. It's kept her alive against insanely overwhelming odds. It allowed Jamie to swim underwater for a mile or so while also keeping Bronn alive.
Just another day for the invulnerable cersei plot armor.
Her character should be dead ten times over. No other character has had triumph dropped in his lap as many times as cersei. It's beyond ridiculous at this point. We know that there is no way cersei will be killed or even hurt until the finale if even then. No other character has that kind of plot armor. The fact Headey is a painfully bad actress makes it worse. Is that perpetual smug look intentional or some type of botox mishap?
At least Dinklage is a good actor. Questionable accent aside. Although for all we know he is doing a spot on accent for a Westeros dwarf.
The quality of the show has been in the toilet ever since they have been propping up Lena Headey and having cersei always win no matter what.
Awesome. I hope Erica's hot ass will still be in a few eps. I wonder if Adam is any bigger?
It's painfully obvious the writers for some reason love Lena Headey and her bad acting and 2 expressions. Maybe she gives great head or something. It's just sad that the show has become an embarrassing joke because of it.
Cersei needs to fire her plastic surgeon because that constipated bitch can only make 2 expressions and even those 2 are just different variations of smug.
Yes I agree with you it's an odd plan to say the least. It was also strange that Jon didn't show at least some brief happiness that Arya and Bran were alive. Hell he grinned when Gendry said he was short he could have smiled when he found out his sister and brother were alive.
None of the people making the plans know Arya is a super hero. Hell no one in Westeros other than the guy that taught her and maybe a few others know .
Davos gets some great lines doesn't he? "Nothing fucks you harder than time." Ain't it the truth.
Now no one told you that you had to kill my son
clap clap clap clap
He did have a nice arc. From mean bully to loyal friend and King.......of cookies........shaped like dire wolves. It was kind of endearing when he told Arya she was pretty. He wasn't leering or creepy about it. Just saying how he felt.
It would kind of suck to see a Hot Pie white walker next season carrying a pan of cookies.
I didn't see no Hot Pie tonight and that fat bastard is hard to miss. Where he was?
Cancer? Whatever killed her she seems to have been keeping it from Ray and everyone else.