MovieChat Forums > pankoeken > Replies
pankoeken's Replies
Oh yeah. I forgot about their rules. Although it seems like a lot of that has already been ignored anyway. Can the King or Queen absolve him of his oath?
He was a bit vexed. The one maester seems to know they should be listening to Sam and Bran but he didn't do enough to try and convince the rest.
Are they in the White Walkers path or too far off the beaten path to worry about them?
Did Sam not realize how important that was? He seemed nonplussed when she told him.
I wonder if he will take his rightful place? After he helps fight the evil snow zombies of course. He definitely has been manning up this season.
Isn't he the only remaining son?
A lot of people seem to love it. I thought it was okay and it didn't bore me too badly but it never lived up to the promise of the pilot. It felt like the showrunners made a check list of things they wanted to rip off from Breaking Bad and Justified and just jammed stuff in to make sure they could cross it off the list.
You already mentioned the pointless gay federal agent storyline but the "hillbillys" were not much better. Peter Mulan with his thick Scottish accent was really shitty casting as the head "hillbilly". The long redneck vs hillbilly monologue was painfully stupid. It was something a writer that never has even been camping would think was clever and homespun.
Also nothing that happened felt organic. Everything that occured was just to advance the plot and check off another box. Also is it smart for a money launderer on the run to tell every person he meets he's a money launderer on the run or to "hide" his laundered money and do his clandestine activities where anyone can observe him?
It seemed more like a spoof to me most of the time but no one told the cast it was a spoof or maybe they did.
They catch em. You cook em.
Pickle Rick motherfuckers!!!!!!!
I didn't bother reading all those posts once I saw it was nothing but you whining and lying. You didn't understand what niahflame told you and instead of just admitting that you lied and kept lying.
Now you have created numerous posts digging your hole ever deeper. Then to make sure you prove you're the most pathetic little bitch on the internet you do what little girls do. You stuff your fingers in your ears and run away crying.
I've rarely seen anyone unravel so completely with me saying so little. I'm embarrassed for you.
Oh so you are too stupid to follow what you are told. That's what I suspected and why I said your comment didn't make any sense. No one confirmed the show had supernatural elements. In fact you were specifically told IT DID NOT HAVE SUPERNATURAL STUFF. Then you started prattling on about some nonsense that made you look like the idiot you are. Obviously I was too polite in my first post. I should have said "Reread the post moron."
Damn you are really a simpleton, huh? Your smugly condescending reply made you look even more pathetic and ignorant than your others did. Hilarious.
"And white people became rich through enslaving the people in practically damn near every country they invaded, and got rich and prosperous through slavery. Funny how you decided to leave that little inconvenient part out."
What a ridiculously hyperbolic generalization. So sadly TYPICAL of the uneducated bigots that make up your community. It's hilarious in a pathetic way that your "argument" justifying packs of mindless animals looting and killing and destroying their own neighborhoods boils down to "dem rules don'ts be applies to us".
Do you enjoy fishing and/or cooking fish?
Well he did have Bran repeat something that only one other person knew LF said. The look on his face showed it startled LF but he may not realize it was supernatural.
Your comment doesn't make sense. Do you mean you can't enjoy a book or show unless it has supernatural aspects?
He tried to take over some of my corners. That's why he had to run away to Hollywood yo
Sure he was. Did he do Stringer Bell or Luther? The difference being one of them has a definite Brit accent and the other only lapses into a Brit accent at times. Pull your tongue from his butt now and pat yourself on the back for your repeated hyperbolic praise of Elba on this board.
Hell yes. One of the best shows ever period.
He doesn't attempt an American accent which is a good thing. I'm so tired of non Americans doing shitty attempts at sounding like an American and having idiots gush over them even though 99% of them are abysmal.
I would think numerous people on reddit have kept up with it. Although the Purge episode and the episode where everyone turn into Cronenberg monsters alone has to have an insane number of deaths.
I wonder how many people Rick personally killed? Maybe starting with Morty murders would be a simple task.