Why end it?

This show could go on forever. The convenient convergences of so many plot lines to make an "ending" is taking away from the quality of the story. The first few seasons it felt like a BBC program about life in westeros. This season has felt like the avengers with all the superheroes getting lines and special moves. What a missed opportunity. When it's over hbo is gonna kick themselves. I'm sure the new civil war fan fiction drama will go over really swell


Probably because they don't want to over write the show and by extension over stay their welcome. The ratings may stay high if it goes on forever but the quality will continue to dip. And I would surmise that the primary actors don't want to do the show forever. Despite some of the problems I have with this season I still think the quality is there. So I see no problem with ending it. And they already have spinoffs planned so it won't be the end of the world building.

And I think Confederate sounds like an interesting idea. Alternate fictitious histories can be good when done right, like The Man in the High Castle.


Well I thought the primary characters would be killed off and new characters added if it went on. That's what I meant by go on forever. I guess the spinoffs will suffice. There are so many characters that were fleshed out and then killed off over the years, and then they just stopped fleshing out new characters when they decided to end it. Everyone's character is getting compressed into a single line. The battle with the white walkers could go on for years with many new characters who fall in love and have internal squabbles, but apparently it will only take a few episodes and it will be the main superheroes we have


The quality of the show has been in the toilet ever since they have been propping up Lena Headey and having cersei always win no matter what.


In the toilet is an overstatement, but its a matter of opinion.


How are they propping Lena Headey? I'd say they're propping Peter Dinklage more. Cersei is winning now, but not for long. That's how war goes. One side is winning for a time, then the other side wins for a time. That's not propping Headey, that's war.


I don't see how she is winning now. All you can say of now is that she is safe for the time being.


She still sits on the Iron Throne. She's winning. Once she's either dead or off the Iron Throne, then she'll be majorly losing.


Sitting on the throne doesn't equal winning. And as Tywin said in a previous season, wearing a crown doesn't give you power.


Right now Cersei is winning. She's sitting on the Iron Throne. She's winning. When someone else is sitting on the Iron Throne, they'll be winning. I'm not talking about power, I'm talking about winning. Those who have the throne are winning.


I think we have different perspectives on and definitions of winning.

Cersei has the throne and KL. She has the love of her brother (for now) and the loyalty of Qybern and The Mountain. She doesn't have the numbers in terms of her army, she lost the backing of the only other house supporting her and the food reserves due to dragon breath and there's no love lost between her and the citizens of the capital.

Dany has a massive army, support of the remaining houses (at least the ones still in play) and three dragons. And her army fights for her freely because they love and believe in her.

So if you think sitting on a throne whilst at the same time surrounded by an enemy that can crush you at any time means that you're winning, then you might just be deluded.


Her character should be dead ten times over. No other character has had triumph dropped in his lap as many times as cersei. It's beyond ridiculous at this point. We know that there is no way cersei will be killed or even hurt until the finale if even then. No other character has that kind of plot armor. The fact Headey is a painfully bad actress makes it worse. Is that perpetual smug look intentional or some type of botox mishap?

At least Dinklage is a good actor. Questionable accent aside. Although for all we know he is doing a spot on accent for a Westeros dwarf.


All of them should be dead. They haven't introduced or fleshed out a new main character in years. 99% of them should be dead. Hound Tyrion Jon snow and Jaime should all be dead. Cersei arya danaerys dead. Jorah dead. Lol. They haven't cultivated any other characters so the audience knows who has plot armor. The jig is up


Benjobuff, you took the words out of my mouth. I was like Jon Snow died! And still managed to become king of the north!!!! Lol all in good spirit, I just think she's survived. So have the rest of the characters that haven't bit the big one...yet.


She's lost three children. Just because she's on the throne and still breathing doesn't necessarily mean she's always winning.


At least 2 of which died because of her. She may as well have cut tommens throat herself. The daughter was the only one who arguably didn't die directly because of cersei but (OF COURSE) a guy with a deus ex classis immediately hands cersei her highly improbable revenge without cersei even leaving the castle or changing her expression.


Myrcella died directly because Cersei got Oberyn killed trying to punish Tyrion. She's responsible for all of her children's deaths.


This show is expensive to produce. That's the reason we have only seven episodes this season and six for next. There comes a time when things must end. I'm not looking forward to it because there's nothing like this on television. But the actors are not staying. The top tier actors are going to be moving on. The only way to keep this show going is to go back in time, but that won't make any of the actors want to stay. And that is what we're talking about here. Also I'd rather this show go off before the resentment comes into it. You can also tell that Dan and Dave are tired. I want them to quit before they get resentful of their baby.


True about the budget-
6-7 million per episode is a load of $$$ even for HBO
Rumor is they are mulling a Robert's Rebellion series...we shall see


I think they've ruled out Robert's Rebellion.


From what I understand GRRM wants to tackle the Targaryen assent, but more so he wants to go to Essos or Volatis or even cover the Valyrian Freehold.


I was anticipating a Robert's Rebellion series for like a year now...
Well thx for the link tho Pro...much obliged


They work on this show year-round, while most other shows get 3-6 months before the next season production begins. One of them said last year that they originally committed to 70 episodes and they were treating it like a 70-hour movie, but they eventually realized that it would take more than 70 to finish the story, so they expanded to 73. The silver lining is that the runtimes of the remaining episodes are going to be longer.


Of course once the War Between the Living and the Dead is over, all the great families of Westeros will go back to their constant inbreeding and warring, and before long there will be a new civil war sweeping the continent. There's one every generation or two. But will that make great, dramatic, meaningful, thrilling television?

No. It'll seem unimportant and a let-down.

If the show was just about the eternal infighting of this society it could go on forever, but it's not, it's about the entire world being imperiled and (presumably) saving itself and restoring the balance of fire-and-ice in the end. The rising peril of the Others gives an edge and urgency to the wars between the humans that isn't usually there, and which won't be after the threat to all humanity is gone. That's the direction the show is going right now - the humans realizing that they need to stop fighting among themselves and defend all life, and that is what makes this story worth telling on a grand scale.


i don't even care about the WhiteWalkers...they're not really characters : (


See I thought the show was about people scheming and falling love and backstabbing against the back drop of a fantasy world. That in my mind could go on forever. I could care less about the zombies. Ive been watching this show for years and have no idea what you mean by fire and ice, besides dragons breath fire and the zombies like cold


FYI the official name for GRRM's series of books is "A Song of Ice and Fire", and there's an underlying theme of the eternal struggle between fire and ice. And yes, the White Walkers and the dragons do seem to be the embodiment of either extreme, so you got it in one!

And yes, the show is largely about the War of Five Kings and Two Queens and the neverending warfare between the clans of Westeros, but the underlying threat of the Zombie Apocalypse has been there since the first episode, and is what gives the show its overall dramatic arc. Yes, a show about the eternal quarrels of the Westerosi aristocracy could go on forever, but people would get sick of people picking fights and starting pointless wars after a while- they'd start realizing that the characters are just a bunch of violent jerks. Well, because of the White Walkers the characters are all going to get a big reality check and forget their petty quarrels as they all struggle to save all living things. And after the world is changed and saved, of course they'll go back to fighting all the time, and that's the moment to ring down the curtain because the fighting won't be fun any more.


Because the books end. In a sense, the show will continue with their spin-off series.


Season 5 ruined the pacing. The stories told there could have bridged better to season 7 instead of it now feeling rushed.
God Dorne sucked!!!


1. Money. It's $10 mil per episode (and growing) and is becoming more like a loss leader for HBO.

2. Actors eventually get old and die. So does GRRM. And when that happens, shows jump the shark.

3. Quality drop-off. The arcs are concluding. Stories are wrapping up to natural conclusions, and shows lose a lot when contrived events stretch out the narrative. Shows are all-time awesome when they know how to finish, like Breaking Bad. Characters die, and the story ends. Good shows become weak when they start inventing tricks to try to keep dying storylines going, like Sons of Anarchy. More and more new characters are introduced to replace dead ones, and pretty soon it's not the same story any more.


I agree!
And because of #3, I’m glad that GoT will have a real ending, although I’m going to miss the show.


Yeah good point.
