PeteyandJia's Replies

September?!? Aw, fuck. And here I was looking forward to my usual springtime with Jimmy/Saul/Gene. Bummer! I was really moved by much of the final season. Maybe the very last scene didn't resonate as much as the rest, but I still thought it was a fine enough ending overall. Yeah, I hate when people try to defend crappy movie by saying 'you don't understand, it was a metaphor for [insert cool reference here]'. If a film doesn't stand on its own, it's crap. I actually loved The Lobster and The Fountain, but boy did I think this one sucked. The lack of sophistication might make their brains easier to dig through. Like you said though, it's all speculative explanation. Which episode of Black Mirror do you like the best from the entire series? No offense, but you referring to a guinea pig as a hamster makes me seriously question your status as an expert regarding complex details of their brain function & capacity. :-) That said, I'm certainly no expert either, ha. Just a fan of good TV. It doesn't exist in real life, that I know of... as for the simulated program people in all of the Black Mirror episodes: I don't think any of them are 'real', even if they appear so; just things, no different than a video game, or a toaster. That said, I don't believe in taking the chance, so I would be against all of the torture depicted. I thought of it like this: Maybe it is very easy with that technology to pull up fresh memories from right away, or the last few hours, without even having to question them. Perhaps the hard part is tapping into a random day, or event, from days or weeks or months ago. Which is why they have to jog those kinds of hazier memories, with questions & smells and things like that. So maybe if the guinea pig witnessed something a year ago, they would be fucked; but since they saw a crime scene and know it *just* happened, maybe it's easy to pull up that kind of thing from any brain. Just an idea I had anyway. I agree that the endings tend to not be the most interesting part of Black Mirror. It's usually the concepts, and some of the development in the middle. I still liked the season though, and think it's a great series overall. It wasn't my favorite episode this season, but I think I liked the ending of 'Crocodile' the best. It wrapped everything up nicely, and the twist worked for me. 1. USS Callister 2. Black Museum 3. Arkangel 4. Crocodile 5. Hang The DJ 6. Metalhead I didn't mind any of the casting all season, a good actor is a good actor no matter what color they are. The one exception is I agree with you, it really stood out that they made a point to show a bunch of people torturing the black guy, and not have one black person doing it. Like they really went out of their way not to, which was annoying. Also having part of the twist be that the black girl getting revenge was not British but was in fact really from the American south, that felt like more pandering. Still a great episode though so whatever. The Christmas special isn't part of season 2, any more than it is part of season 3. It came out completely on its own, with a year and a half on both sides of it. So it's a standalone special, just to make our tidy organizational thoughts of seasons more difficult. :-) It's not necessarily inconsistent or a plothole. Maybe the technology is really easy to pull up the most immediate memories of someone & work backwards, without any prompting necessary. Maybe it's just when they need you to think back to a specific day that is harder, and they need to go through all that memory jogging. If that's the case, they could just stick the device on the guinea pig and pulled her face immediately since it just happened. Well said. Agree with all of that. It's just so strange, because in other episodes Charlie Booker shows such a depth of thought, and then in an episode like Metalhead it's like he just went with his first draft, and didn't think about anything. The person I was going to watch an episode with had to leave in an hour - so we picked based on episode length. Metalhead was the shortest one, 40 something minutes. ^^ So I'm kinda glad you say Metalhead was the weakest episode, because it's the only one I have watched so far of the new season. So that gives me hope that it's all looking up from here. This was the review I wrote in another thread: Pretty underwhelming. It's all the same tropes we've seen 1000 times, nothing new here. A robot is chasing people in the future. That's it. Gee, how thought-provoking. Black Mirror episodes are supposed to be smart, clever. This was neither. Basically just plays like a film student doing a far less interesting tribute to Terminator. It's not bad, for as much as I'm complaining; but it is utterly unremarkable. If this were part of last season, it would be the weakest episode. Even 'Nosedive' at least had a good premise & some great acting, though it fell apart at the end. Disappointing return to the series for me. Hopefully this was the weakest one of the batch. Seems legit. :) That's okay, you can just pick a random 3 of your top favorites if you like. You might have a point, except The Terminator just drives into a police station soon after that anyway. Just gets out on foot and starts waltzing through the place. Terminator 'disappearing' in the garage didn't make sense