Just saw an early screening... Excellent film
It almost feels like an inverse version of Punch-Drunk Love, in some ways; but with its own personality & character. Not quite modern, not quite entirely a period piece either. Feels kind of in between.
Absolutely beautiful score by Radiohead's Jonny Greenwood. From the very beginning of the film, it felt beautiful, but too different in style to be Greenwood, more elegant & classical; I was delightfully surprised at the end credits to see that it was indeed his work. He expanded his range, and the style here fits the film perfectly.
If you love Paul Thomas Anderson & DDL, you will love this film. It delivers exactly what I was expecting... PTA's unique vision, & another stellar performance from DDL. The other actors do a great job as well with their roles, and the film as a whole moves along at just the right pace, like a fine poem. Great piece of work.