PeteyandJia's Replies

Somehow that's even worse. Making a real deer look like CGI is almost impressively terrible Cube "Alexa, let me talk to Stephen." *iphone It's a brutal position he suddenly realizes he's in, with his dead love's murderer & twin. And it's exponentially complicated by the fact that they share a child together. And yeah, I guess to some degree, I do look down on people who watch & enjoy the majority - not all, but the vast majority - of these awful superhero movies, the same way I would look down on someone with money in their wallet who walks by a restaurant, & decides to keep eating out of the trash. Now, am I a better human being than someone who eats out of a dumpster? Well that's more of a philosophical question, I don't know. I suppose if pressed for a guess, the answer is probably no. Am I a better film fan than someone who watches most of this utter crap? Fuck yes. At least for those 2 hours. Thanks for clearing up the numbers, I really thought it was 947 & 473. Just saw it in the theater, loved it. That's a damn shame it's not getting international theater release. I guess it didn't have enough dumb superhero bullshit it in for it to be considered marketable. Hope you enjoy it, how ever you end up watching it. I can watch Kevin Spacey movies without feeling traumatized, I seem to be alone in that regard in this conversation. Exactly What did he do again? Who said it had to be original? Most movies are not wholly original. Even whatever older movies you are referring to. Baby Driver is at the top of the genre though, if we're talking about driving movies. Arguably the best. A movie has to be good, not necessarily original. You poor thing Yeah, it seems they are now going to spend a lot of time trying to make Negan seem 'layered'. Even though this show and character are both not deep enough to do that, it's going to come off poorly, as it already has. He's a cartoon character, nothing more, a bad guy with a silly baseball bat & leather jacket gimmick. Trying to make him redeemable or act like 'oh him and Rick are really the same if you think about it' is just going to be more awful television. Not to mention predictable & boring. This show has gone so far off the rails, it's probably topped Dexter for worst dropoff ever. I thought Brokeback Mountain was a fantastic romance movie, with amazing performances. No pandering, just a great film. I don't believe it. It looked too horrible. Oh man. That was brutal. Took me right out of the movie. I mean, how hard is it for a major film production to get some footage of a real goddamn deer, and then splice that into the scene through effects. As it was, the scene was embarrassingly terrible-looking. Y'all are fuckin' weird. Ronnie has arguably the single most memorable, haunting moment of the finale. Way to miss the entire point of the character of Vic Mackey. It is hell, for him.