Ditto-head's Replies

It was pretty big news at the time. He was very well known and as much as I didn't like the way he portrayed Charles Ingalls as a boorish wuss, I'd say he had a sort of larger than life persona. The kind of guy you'd never believe would even get cancer, much less get it and die from it so quickly. The $200 Hollywood haircut and salon tan; the neighbors and dear friends, the innocent children who conveniently die so he can bring on the waterworks. In a word: Chris. But who could blame her? She'd never had a shot at a real man before that. And at least she ended up getting Grace out of it to remember him. Or dad who: Cries like a baby? Chomps on food with his mouth wide open? Laughs like a hyena at things that aren't funny? Struts around shirtless to show off his Hollywood Salon Tan? Bathes once a week? Fancies himself as a carpenter but can't build even one more room so his kids can have some privacy and space? Adopts more kids every time one escapes. Manages to get injured so he can't work, then pouts like a toddler when his wife has to work. Maybe he'd prefer the kids starve? Preaches "Cash on the barrel" yet has a running debt at the mercantile. Also storms out of same mercantile within dats of his arrival in town when the proprietor refused his demand to extend him credit on a number of expensive farm implements. I wondered what they were supposed to do that Christmas morning when they were snowed in after drinking pot after pot of coffee. And didn't the dog conveniently disappear during episodes like that? It would need to have a steady supply of water so the tears could run from his eyes at regular intervals. As anna8625 said, I could definitely see him breaking out the fiddle. Of course, he would drown out the solemn music with his corny, raucous crap, smirking the whole time and having no clue just how bad the situation was. Then, as soon as he figured out how bad it is, he would jump in a lifeboat with the rest of the women and cry his eyes out. Perhaps after he'd milked that for all it's worth, he'd try to lead them all in a prayer and tell them they're going to Hell for drowning the good, poor people while saving the lives of all the horrible, greedy, rich people. They were perfect Frenemies. I thought he was one of her few friends who would actually stand up to her regularly. I never did watch the Waltons, even though it was on every morning (after Woody Woodpecker, I think.) But I wish you'd go wake up the Roseanne board. It was so active on imdb, now it's a dead zone. I'd be okay with it as long as I could have the attic. I wouldn't want to share a bedroom with two siblings. How about the Rivals? Charles finally has a chance at a decent, steady income and he blows it. Also, he and Jonathan act like a couple half witted cavemen in that high end restaurant- rudely barking orders at the waiter, insulting the food, stealing the wine, etc. We're also forced to endure a couple scenes of Charles' overly emotional crybaby melodramatic sap. Yeah, "The Lost Weekend" was a good one, too. Another one that really touched me was "Grandpa's Car." My first car was also my Grandpa's last- I'm sure I didn't grasp that significance at the time, I was just so glad I was getting a car, I didn't really think about how he would never in his life own another car. Maybe because it was a little different, since my grandmother was alive and she could still drive in her car. But the episode still gets to me every time. I would say assigned seating, and those who were most likely to pass the collection plate without contributing (or even trying to make an unauthorized withdrawal) were required to sit where the reverend could keep a sharp eye on them. That was a good one, too. The scene where Kevin is watching his parents try to comfort each other was pretty powerful. Times have changed so much, it may be hard for younger people to understand how Jack could react so strongly to what Karen was doing. Even when it first aired, I remember thinking that he was overreacting, but I could still understand that it was a controversial move that most parents (back then) and even many (at the current time, when it aired) would not have approved. I always found the show so relatable- I was exactly Kevin's age during the airing, so even though it was set 20 years earlier, it felt so parallel to me. Also, my dad is very much like Jack. Underneath all that exterior, he is an absolute stand up guy who is always there when you need him. I guess it's obviously why I like the episodes with him in them so much. In the My Father's Office episode where he comes in to talk to Kevin as he's pouting in his room- that is exactly what my dad would have done. Though he'd have done it on his own, without prompting from my mom. I'm pretty sure there was more going on than face painting and guitar strumming when she was skipping school and hanging out at the hill. My favorite were the ones where Jack's real character came shining through all that superficial gruff exterior. My Father's Office The Cost of Living (my favorite) Private Butthead Our Miss White (I love the scene at the end when he is the first to stand and he's staring straight at Kevin) The Family Car Math Class The Powers That Be Daddy's Little Girl I think that sounds more realistic than Charles finding another woman who would put out for him. He apparently spent a lot on hair and tanning products, too. Good to hear- I love the Wonder Years I think those scenes are what first caused me to have a repulsion for watching people shovel food into their mouths.