It just pissed me off how Charles finds out hes getting some money and he just charges abunch of shit WITH THE MONEY not even there yet then it turns out its confederate money and the whole town blames themselves!!
ye sit was part fo teh towns problem with miss beadle bsicalluy threating to give laura and mary F'S unless Charles donated books, The Reverend was crying for a organ, and all that stuff
But it just pissed me off how Charles could be so stupid
Then when the town won charles his barn and all that crap he started to get pissed about them buying it! Then when he found out they did it to help him he started crying
I’d probably blame myself as well, for giving a shifty, fly by nighter like Chuck credit. The banker Sprague had it right with his no lending money to flakes like Ingalls policy.
Then when the town won charles his barn and all that crap he started to get pissed about them buying it! Then when he found out they did it to help him he started crying
It also appeared as if his nips were particularly perky in that scene Jason 😀
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Well I posted about this episode before, but it's the episode where Albert runs away after his pipe set fire to the blind school. He felt "so sorry", boo hoo, so he ran away.
Charles tears off to find Albert, NOT to kick the living crap out if him, but to cry and carry on about how much he wanted Albert to come home.
The little creep caused the death of Charles's grandson and his best friend's wife, but hey, so what? it's all about Albert!
The writing in this show was rather strange at times pjpurple, and it was certainly all over the place. I once semi-jokingly proposed the theory back at IMDB that the shows producers had contracted the scripts out to a local preschool. In retrospect, I suspect that I may have been right 😀
Well that's a cruel thing to say about preschoolers, LOL! They usually have more sense!
But seriously, I understand that Charles still loved Albert. You love your children even when they do wrong. But in this instance he acted as though Albert did NO wrong. He was just another innocent victim of the fire.
His own flesh and blood daughter Mary suffered a terrible tragedy, but Charles seemed much more concerned with his adopted son's pain.
I would have understood it if he had said to Albert, " Yes you feel horrible and you SHOULD! It's the first decent thing you have done since starting the fire. You did a thoughtless, stupid thing which led to a tragedy. Now it's time to come home and face the music."
But no, he treats Albert like just another poor little victim.
I know the Ingalls son dies when he was a baby, but was Charles so desperate for a son that he'd put up with any behavior?
That reminds me of the morphine addiction episodes. Albert got off pretty easy there as well! Stealing Doc’s stash, so that someone else would have to suffer, and if I recall, he threatened Ms Plum, or something of the sort.
I’m going to nominate The Werewolf of Walnut Grove, where dumb ole Carrie blew the ruse that Laura and Albert had set up to scare bully Bart into compliance, and an unintentional underwear change 💩 😀
Of course, unless Bart spent the better part of his childhood licking the lead paint from the walls of his parents Victorian, I don’t think that even a kid back then would have been dumb enough to believe in werewolves.
Charles finally has a chance at a decent, steady income and he blows it. Also, he and Jonathan act like a couple half witted cavemen in that high end restaurant- rudely barking orders at the waiter, insulting the food, stealing the wine, etc. We're also forced to endure a couple scenes of Charles' overly emotional crybaby melodramatic sap.
Bunny, where Loony Laura was at her craziest when she pushed Nellie down the hill...she could have been paralyzed for the rest of her life or worst, been killed. Not only Charles and Caroline didn't punish her but Nels rewarded her by getting her horse back.
Anything with Kezia. She was batshit crazy and yet parents would let their kids hang out with her. And where did she come from anyway? All of a sudden she shows up out of the blue as the town's token homeless bag lady!