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krl97a's Posts
Per Capita Chinese Virus Deaths: New Jersey: 171, New York: 161, Florida: 18, Texas: 9
Video of "CHAZ leader" being arrested after foot chase by police; he's crying...
Terry Crews viciously attacked by leftists for opposing racial bigotry against any color; refuses to apologize.
Do American leftists and conservatives share any values whatsoever?
Trump's Mount Rushmore speech was magnificent. Video.
Kristi Noem is still freaking hot.
Is July 4 the holiday leftists hate most?
Ringleader arrested in attempted destruction of Andrew Jackson statue; ties to Antifa; 4 others arrested.
BOOM: Record 4.8 million net new US jobs in June smashes expectations. 7.5 million jobs created in last 2 months.
US manufacturing surged better than expected in June; new orders increase by biggest margin ever.
Democrats denounce Mount Rushmore as a symbol of "white supremacy" with their official national party's twitter account.
So much for the "Summer of Love". Seattle finally ends CHAZ and admits it was violent and "brutal".
Another murder in CHAZ already last night; a 14 year old in critical condition.
Do liberals know that Mohammed owned and traded slaves?
Chinese virus deaths per capita (per million): Belgium 840, UK 642, Spain 606...Sweden 523....USA 388
Now it's the real American people's turn to gather and express themselves. Tulsa. An estimated 100,000 Trump supporters.
The first thing CHAZ did was establish firm borders with a wall, guarded by armed patrols.
MLK's niece Alveda King denounces Antifa and violent riots, calls for unity.
Antifa conquers and now rules a chunk of Seattle; Police SURRENDER police station and withdraw; List of Antifa DEMANDS.
Profanity laced argument over riots between Chicago alderman and mayor Lori Lightfoot; conference call audio