MovieChat Forums > Politics > Is July 4 the holiday leftists hate most...

Is July 4 the holiday leftists hate most?

They would likely hate Christmas and Easter more, but those have been so heavily secularized.

Independence Day represents the creation of the left's greatest earthly enemy, the United States of America.

Look at what's been happening around the nation over the past month, and what Democrats are saying and doing now, and try to tell me I'm wrong.


You should hear the excuses in California for not allowing fireworks shows. For a long time, they used the line "fireworks can cause wildfires!" to keep people from setting them off, despite the fact that there is no evidence of fireworks ever causing a wildfire in all of California's history! For a time, that made sense, but people set them off anyway. The authorities then said that towns and cities could only set off fireworks over bodies of water, for safety reasons. But then, they made buying a permit for such towns/cities so expensive that many places just threw up their hands and didn't put on a show. That, and it's illegal to buy and sell fireworks of any kind in California (as in many states), so often people have to go to other states like Tennessee and Texas to get them.

However, I've been hearing rumors about people bringing in fireworks from out-of-state, and I think they're true, because several of our neighbors have been shooting them off randomly in their backyards ever since Juneteenth. It gets crazier the closer you get to the 4th. Haven't they ever heard of fountain cones and sparklers? Those are way less noisy and still create a spectacle :)


Tough call. They hate the country so they hate the 4th. They hate Christianity so they hate Christmas. They hate the country so they hate thanksgiving. They hate Christianity so they hate Easter. They hate the country so they hate Presidents’ Day. They hate the fact there are only 2 genders male and female, so they hate Mother’s Day, Valentines Day, and Father’s Day. Of course fathers day was covered by the fact they hate men too. They hate the military so they hate Memorial Day. They hate people of employment so they hate Labor Day. They also hate it because they think it has something to do with women giving birth which they hate. Abortions only damnit!

That covers the big ones. Besides those they’re inspiring happy people.


This is an idiot post. No one hate 4th of July.


Colin Kaepernick hates the 4th of July, but LOVES slave labor!


Democrat "protesters" literally tried to block citizens' access to the Mount Rushmore Independence Day celebration, moron. When your comrades are burning American flags, tearing down statues of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln, defacing the WW2 Memorial, and constantly attacking the nation itself, it's fair to say they hate July 4. In fact you can't rationally claim to support July 4 if you're endorsing that anti-American activity.

The official DNC twitter account denounced Mount Rushmore on the eve of July 4, a monument that celebrates America's founding and subsequent greatness. There's no coming back from that.


🤣 This is hysterical...mainly because it is spot on true!

These people seem to hate pretty much everything, and they thrive on creating misery for everyone else. They want to ban things they don’t like rather than simply ignoring them. They act like spoiled children throwing temper tantrums (unfortunately sometimes deadly temper tantrums) when someone they hate (shocking, something else they hate) wins a political office. They are just the ultimate buzzkill in every way imaginable...but they still think they are so awesome and knowledgeable. Just ask them. Haha.

They bitch, moan, and shit all over any traditions in this country...any holidays. I’m just so happy every day I’m not one of them. They have set humanity back to the stone ages.

I’m fading out from even talking to them on this site. They aren’t even worth having discussions with anymore. Logic has left their minds.


They hate themselves so they project their hate on everyone else. Truly sad worthless human beings.

So easily manipulated by Communist leadership from around the world including the DNC.


Jefferson Davis Birthday
Confederate Memorial Day
Confederate Heroes Day
Flag Day

....and just for you:

every Tax Freedom Day after 1979...


Actually, Independence Day is the MOST "leftist" of celebrations: "The LAW says all this stuff is the rightful property of George3, but we say to hell with your law, we're taking it anyway because... feels..."


It would have failed without help from the French and the Jews...


Actually, Independence Day is the MOST "leftist" of celebrations: "The LAW says all this stuff is the rightful property of George3, but we say to hell with your law, we're taking it anyway because... feels...

Actually it was Americans defending their property rights from royal seizures, and their voting rights from arbitrary veto by a permanent ruling class, which is why it's often (accurately) called a "conservative revolution", unlike the leftist French Revolution. History is yet another topic on which our education system failed you.

The left hates July 4 because it hates America and opposes everything it stands for. That's why it's mostly conservatives celebrating it, waving flags rather than burning them, proving your post false.
It would have failed without help from the French and the Jews...

And it succeeded despite the British getting help from the Germans and various Indian tribes.


OMG! I can't stop laughing!


When we leftists take over we'll make everyone celebrate Marx Day!


LOL! Yeah - that's the secret plan.


Not a secret if it was published in the NYTimes.

Do homework.



How much money do you spend on crack each week? Seriously?


When you 'leftists' take over, all you'll be getting is 2 bullets in the back of your heads.
