The British and Revolutionary Americans did. Even the Civil War era North and South did. But do today's political poles share any values at all? It's difficult to think of any.
Even the sanctity of human life and free speech no longer have consensus support and are under heavy siege. The logical backstop points people should unify and rally around, if nothing else, would be symbols, figures, and holidays celebrating the nation itself, like the flag, national anthem, founding fathers, and July 4, but that's clearly out the window.
Whether it's atheism versus theism, collectivism versus freedom, or intersectionality and "just" discrimination versus a color blind society and treating Americans as individuals, the divide seems hopelessly deep and wide.
No, the left is waging war against free speech and has discarded it as a principle, often under the dishonest guise of combating "hate speech" or "toxic" opinions (meaning anything disagreeing with them). From pervasive partisan censorship to the cancel culture to campus/government speech codes (like NY and some other cities banning terms like "illegal alien" from public use; or San Francisco officially labeling the NRA a "terrorist" group) to mob violence trying to shut down conservative speakers to forcing businesses and religious entities to endorse messages that violate their conscience to protest signs explicitly opposing free speech to SJWs mocking free speech with the slang "freeze peach" to various articles like this praising Chinese censorship practices and calling on the US to emulate them...
"Internet Speech Will Never Go Back to Normal
In the debate over freedom versus control of the global network, China was largely correct, and the U.S. was wrong."
They're catching up to some of the speech control stances of leftists in Canada and European nations that lack a First Amendment, and in some ways exceeding them, fueled by a totalitarian furor. That's a lot bigger issue in real life right now, outside the media bubble, than police abuse. Heck, even on this board various Democrat posters have openly complained numerous times about their constant reporting of their opponents' (perfectly fine) posts not leading to their deletion.
Congratulations on the 4444, lol. I bet something similar happens in 1,111 posts. ;)
I understand the two sides have different viewpoints, but both want to be able to use the First Amendment to speak freely. Sadly, like you said, the Left only wants what they say to be legal, whereas the Right doesn't believe in censorship.
I'm starting to think we need to draft a Bill of Rights specifically for the Internet, since apparently the first one didn't stick.
The left doesn’t believe in freedom of speech or saying all lives matter wouldn’t get canceled like they are trying to do with terry crews. A black man being silenced by blm doesn’t seem very in favor of free speech.
That thing they're always suing to have removed from the public sphere? Let's see...which of these do leftists support?
1. You shall have no other gods before me.
2. You shall not make or worship idols in the form of anything in heaven above, on or beneath the earth, or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them;
3. Don't take the Lord's name in vain.
4. Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.
5. Honor your parents.
6. You shall not murder.
7. You shall not commit adultery.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not give false witness.
10. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife or property.
1 is out, obviously, since paganism and atheism are trendier on the left than Christianity, and the central motivation of Marxism is to replace God with the state (earth worship is allowed for now to push environmentalism as a means to an end)
Ditto for 2.
3. Leftists love being "edgy" by mocking or blaspheming God.
4. Maybe leftists could get behind the not working on the Sabbath thing, if not the "keep it holy" part.
5. Leftists like to fancy themselves as young people (even when they're burnt out hippies in their 60s) who are in a constant state of revolutionary war against their parents. Modern leftists go further by trying to destroy the entire nuclear family by defining marriage down, promoting "non-traditional" lifestyles, and rejecting the scientific realities of gender.
6. Abortion. Cheering violence against cops, conservatives, and random, innocent locals. Ordering police to stand down and let the mobs attack. No, as I said above leftists have jettisoned the sanctity of human life. They worship death.
7. LOL! From Bill Clinton's apologists to Ashley Madison, this went out the window a long time ago.
8. Leftism is all about stealing, as the recent riotous looting has reminded everyone. A leftist poster here even recently tried to claim the US Revolution was left wing because it was about taking stuff from the British (I had to educate the ignorant liberal otherwise).
9. “Hands Up Don’t Shoot”. “Trump colluded with Russia”. Just check the leftist media on a daily basis for countless examples. Lying is justified as a means to an end.
10. Leftism is primarily about envying what others have.
So maybe the left could support half of one of these? But if you disagree feel free to be specific about which of these moral values you feel the left shares and support your position.
I asked you to name which of the 10 Commandments you believe leftists support and you failed to name any. If you really do support the 10 Commandments then you're in the wrong party.
They can’t even answer my not so difficult OP. All they can do is point out ad nauseam Trump’s faults, but they are unable to answer how Biden would do better with our country’s chaotic circumstances! The same garbage will be served to Biden...he will not be served manna from heaven! 🤷🏼♀️ Time to bump my OP...I keep hoping...sigh
Democrats have been so bankrupt of ideas and morals they chose to become the anti conservative. I can remember joking about things like tearing down monuments, banning Christmas, banning the 4th of July, 10-20 years ago. Just throwing the most random boldest predictions you could come up with and laughing. We are now watching them happen real time fueled by left wing hatred.
Look at the things they defend today.
Anti free speech.
Anti free press.
Anti privacy.
Anti American flag.
Anti American monuments.
Openly lying to the American media and American people without any ramifications. Adam Schiff should be in jail for perjury. He lied about evidence of Russian collusion for years. They never produced any at all. There never was any at all. It’s outrageous.
Hilary Clinton building a private email server to willfully hide information from the American people.
Now they’re defending rioting, violence, murder. The Democrat party is so bankrupt they’ve been totally MIA for this entire year. They’ve done zero to help deal with coronavirus. They’ve done zero to protect law and order for the American people.
The cities they run have hundreds of blacks and other Americans shot and killed every week. They say nothing. They do nothing. Their media protects them by ignoring these outrages.
They are filth and have been since the assassination of JFK. They hate the country, they hate freedom for the American people. The most unimaginable outrageous predictions today for them will be reality tomorrow. They are communists, And we all know how communists love to murder dissenters by the millions. A hundred million alone in the 20th century. It happened before it can happen again.
The only thing standing in their way is the 2nd amendment. The way they’re manipulating the private sector to skirt the constitution, they’ll figure out a way to get around that too. Place some insane tax on ammunition or have one of their many billionaires buy up all the ammo companies. Just a matter of time before they find a solution.
Their lemmings will defend it because well those people were (insert flavor of the week left wing outrage porn).
Did Obama support term limits for Congress? I do, because these people becoming career politicians is part of the problem. So maybe you and I at least agree on a policy. I'm not sure most Democrats or maybe even Republicans agree with us, and it seems to usually be more of a conservative position. But lets assume for the sake of argument that the left and right do agree on this.
Are congressional term limits the most important and/or only value you can think of that both sides share? Does that constitute a fundamental value, or is it just a policy?
Idk if Obama did or not but his presidency did not live up to the hype for me. Term limits would be a policy and I don't recall it being a definite conservative or liberal position but if it's conservative I'm fine with that. I'm unenrolled, luckily never had to join a party. When I go to vote they ask me what ballot I want each time. I'm not a fan of the 2 party system.