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Profanity laced argument over riots between Chicago alderman and mayor Lori Lightfoot; conference call audio

Just read this and listen to the audio, which you can find at least 4:36 of if you scroll down on the second linked page.


She is such a pig.
Here's another one from a week or so ago.

I have a lot of family and friends who live in Chicago (I'm originally from there). They're all talking about what a witch she is. They can't stand her.
I was at a party in Chicago a few weeks ago and a woman there was telling me she works for her and was telling me about all the hate mail this little broad gets. She said her power has gone to her head. She also mentioned that a few weeks prior, they were having some special lunch event or something and all masks came off and everyone was hugging. Meanwhile she preaches to everyone else about social distancing and wearing a mask. It's all for show, just like I knew it was.

I thought Rahm Emanuel was a horrible mayor (well, he was) but that little lesbian Lightfoot, finger pointing Beetlejuice has him beat by leaps and bounds. 😈

And don't even get me started on Pritzker!


What a disgraceful lying bitch she is. She couldn't care less if her neighborhoods are burning. Her only calculation is how she could potentially benefit from it.


Yep. She got all nervous when a reporter asked her about defunding the police. She said people are asking for MORE police, not less!

Weeks ago she went over Pritzker's head about opening up the city. She is such a power hungry you know what!

And let's not forget about her need for a haircut because she's on TV and she cares about her hygiene!
Hello!! McFly!!! Is anybody home?!


Isn't this interesting.

Within the article, it reads:
The fund will benefit undocumented residents, mixed-status families, dependent adults and returning residents.

Isn't that great that she's worried about taking care of the illegals?! 🙄 I wish I could say I'm surprised.


Democrats spend a huge amount of their time and power in office boosting crime.


Yes. Look at all the Democrat-led cities. High crime, high taxes, corruption and everything is out of order.
They talk like they care but they really don't. It's just to keep their vote as if they're continually working for them.
I don't know how they don't see through it with each passing decade!

How long has people like Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, etc been in politics? 40 years, 50 years? What have they done? NOTHING.
Why didn't they fix what's wrong all those years that they harp about today?
Easy to blame the guy who has only been on politics for less than 4 years! And he's done SO MUCH MORE than they ever have or ever will.
It's all about power (plus they're jealous...they could have made positive changes but chose not they're mad that HE actually did!)


Well she’s a democrat. Goes hand in hand.


Jesus christ, I would be pissed all the time too if I had a face like that.


Beetlejuice!!!! Beetlejuice!!!! Beetlejuice!!!!
