MrSpock's Replies

I have really enjoyed both these British shows on their Queens- Elizabeth and Victoria. Both gals playing the queen are EXCELLENT, with strong supporting husbands thrown in. Girl power! Lol Agree about the second in command. Fred's stay may be short lived. Yes, this episode lacked a sense of urgency or something dramatic and definitely was slower. Hopefully things speed up and heat up a bit when Bobby goes to testify to the UN and tells them that she saw this alien creature. I too want to see what happened at Venus. I hope next week. I think your hope will be reality soon. I have a feeling Julia kept him safe much like the blond kept the doctor safe in Battlestar Galactica. Apparently they want her to focus only on one thing- preventing war. Or maybe they think she is crazy with this alien thing. Interesting to hear Fred say Dawes is the man that should represent the Belt to the UN, but then after Dawes speech, he probably regretted saying that seeing that he has a different perspective from his. Dawes' presence certainly makes it more interesting. Yes, they certainly did make Albert out to be cool and mysterious. I believe in real life he was about 40 years her senior. That is disturbing. I think this show took a lot of extra license to give us a wee bit more suspense. And of course Rufus doesn't look in his mid fifties, does he? I thought the same myself. But Albert in real life wasn't exactly a Tom Hardy, but he was okay. Yes, it is just you..... If this is true, he is a lucky man. How were aliens sent by Mao? I'm not following you on this one. You and I are seeing and experiencing different things, both in this show and BSG. I'm not so sure those aliens are "separate" from the protomolecule that Mao has created. It seems unlikely to me. It seems to me the alien is the proto molecule, or something like that. Make sense? She seems to be pro Belter so maybe she thinks this could help the Belters. Miller wasn't one of my faves but good enough. I too think he will be back empowered by that protomolecule. Good for you. I agree, season two > season one Yes, it gets better and better each episode. It develops characters and setting in the first episodes. I love the show, season two > season one Yes, I love the show too, but I don't think the show has caught on for THAT many people like you and I. This show may not be easy to attract new viewers too since it is pretty complex. I was never a Laurel fan, liked her sister much more. I wish Laurel went to Legends and Sara stayed at Arrow. I'm not interested in watching Legends. Having said that, I liked Felicity at first much more until she became Oliver's thing. Me too.