MovieChat Forums > MrSpock > Replies
MrSpock's Replies
Big screen: Sully
My home tv: Chariots of Fire
I too loved Carter, but when they added two other women- Root and Shaw- I guess they had enough. I think Shaw is in a better position to help out more joining the team rather than having to always call the cops to help out. It looks weird to see cops doing that all the time.
Yes. I posted on Longmire and The Expanse and Person of Interest recently so I hope I get others to join in. It's not as much fun talking to yourself.
Someone stole my thunder.....JESUS did say to love even your enemy, and of course he also,said to love your NEIGHBOR as you love yourself.
Your title will do very little to "persuade" people to seek the God of the Holy Bible. In fact, it may even hinder that.
I'm glad though you put your faith in Christ's atonement, as did I.
I love it. Wife thinks just okay. The one negative I had about season one was that there was not one strong protagonist character for me to really appreciate. However, one started to emerge toward the end of season one. Leave it to the women to save the day.
Oh well, s**t happens so let's hope we can start a new community here and be grateful.
I just watched it a second time and I appreciated it much more this time around. It made more sense to me and like you, I appreciated so much of what I saw. I also expected great acting with that cast and was not disappointed.
I gave it an 8. I obviously liked it much more than you did.
I suppose Anne Stanton (Weiss?) was all make believe and was not really someone Long had his way with, right?
Good thoughts on this thread.
I just ordered a book to read in more detail about Huey Long's life. Honestly, I don't know much apart from Wikipedia and a few other articles but over all, it seemed to me like he cared about doing something good for hicks like himself. And it seems like he did- more roads, schools, hospitals, bridges.....
Yes, he didn't believe very rich people should have it all while so many poor people have without. Is that really all that makes one Marxist?
I think you got your answer, right? It was the scirocco that fired the missiles.
We can't let a few bad apples win. They will always be there, so we have to find ways to ignore and not let them bother us.
Btw, I love this show too! I haven't started to watch season two yet but will start this weekend. My only regret of season one- I was hoping for much more Julie Mao. Sigh!
Of course
Battlestar Galactica
Babylon 5 (first and last seasons not too good)
Star Trek: Voyageur and Next Generation (original might be somewhat dated)
Battlestar Galactica had a prequel too that I liked a lot- Caprica (2 seasons)
Sarah Conner Chronicles (perhaps not exactly a space show)
I second what wanton said.
Thank you, thank you very much. I just joined and I definitely will donate once I am sure this will be a site that I hang out on to discuss my movies/tv shows.
I would be shocked to not see Henry survive.
I hope Nighthorse and Walt become best friends when the dust clears. I think that might happen too. Did you notice Nighthorse not exactly being happy when the sheriff said "we could ruin Longmire?" (Words to that effect.)
So, I'm now hoping Nighthorse helps Longmire and the two bury the hatchet and become best buds.