I think this movie has a little something to offend everyone. When the black dude said "that's a whole lotta negroes and we're sitting here like a f---ing bucket of chicken" I actually laughed out loud and said "Stereotypes..."
It was like it tried to be PC in a way, but still ended up being a ton of stereotypes including the PC stereotypes of "honest hardworking immigrant" "former gang member gone straight with a small business" "idealistic female politician" etc. To me, everything was so stereotyped and blatant that I stopped taking it seriously. It went over the top for me.
What I got as far as messages was: Almost all white people are bad, about half of black people are bad, Asians were hiding from the Purge somewhere or were all wearing masks, foreigners are dicks who just want to come for the "fun" parts of America, don't do drugs, stay in school, separation of church and state is why we don't have a human sacrificing government cult, capitalism is evil, and don't forget to vote.
I didn't think that the woman governor was like Hillary since she wasn't sending national secrets in unsecured emails, and she didn't literally have brain damage, and she wasn't married to a sleazy former president. The New Founding Fathers didn't seem like Trump since they weren't loud, obnoxious a-holes; more like quietly plotting guys who already had control. Everybody else was in "The Rent is Too Damn High" party.
Honestly, I was there for the creepy masks and the blinged-out chainsaws, and I got that, darn it, so God bless America.
There is no objective reality... and that's Sucker Punch