MovieChat Forums > The Purge: Election Year (2016) Discussion > Propaganda at its most blatant?

Propaganda at its most blatant?

I just saw this and while there were a few sequences that were beautifully shot, almost everything else about this movie was just plain ugly. Especially it's obviously forced pro-Hillary Clinton message and anti-Donald Trump message. But what baffles me most is how this movie is getting positive reviews from critics. Do they actually think this movie is good in terms of quality? Or because they are all secretly Hillary Clinton supporters?

What do you guys think?



Dude, it's a horror movie about a "national murder day" where people dress like they're going to Burning Man and murder people because... it makes people feel better about themselves??? You're obviously taking it way to seriously.


^^ this

There is no objective reality... and that's Sucker Punch


I thought it was incredibly boring that the Kookie Killary Klinton look alike senator had to rag on the NRA. The NRA, that was founded to train soldiers and newly freed blacks in marksmanship. Yeah, they helped blacks protect themselves from lynch mobs and they are evil. Idiotic libtards are LWFNC domestic terrorists...

House and Gibbs are my role models!!!


I saw the movie over the weekend and it was clearly evident this movie was about the status quo in washington is evil. (in the movie it is depicted as old white guys because that is mostly what washington DC is). Elizabeth Mitchell is a woman and so is Hillary but that is where the similarity ends. This movie also shows white power nazis working for the government (to the best of this knowledge there is no pro white power nazis working in the us military). They also did show some black on black crime with the teen girls coming to steal a candy bar. Yep that 1 dollar candy bar is a must own over the new iphone or ps4 but then we would not have a movie if a rich corporation was being attacked no one would care but we are supposed to sympathize with the poor black shop owner. Overall its a movie I might watch again to laugh at the fried chicken line and how over the top the stereotypes are in this movie. At least in the purge 2 there was a rich vs poor theme but not really white vs minorities. This movie had more minorities with a few whites vs rich whites to help the director feed his rich white guilt ego for now being a rich white man.

Why does the director not open a store in a poor black neighborhood from some of the profits of the past few purge movies and sees how business does for himself. Spoiler alert the business will fail due to high theft and lack of sales. That is why businesses do not open in poor neighborhoods because there is no money in it.


...the status quo in Washington is evil.
I would agree with that, especially the prevailing mindset that government knows what's best for me much better than I do. Government and I cannot even come to an agreement on what "best" is...
Elizabeth Mitchell is a woman and so is Hillary but that is where the similarity ends.
I am not so sure about Killary-don't want to find out. But I would love the opportunity to verify this hypothesis about Elizabeth. Now, glasses, hairstyles, mannerisms, etc... More similarities. Rehabilitation of the Kookie Killary Klinton Brand along with a mediocre actress in "Madam Secretary."
...1 dollar candy bar is a must own...
It isn't the candy bar, that is just a symbol of the "I want it so I am taking it and F you if you try to tell me 'no!'" mentality. It could have been a candy bar, an iPhone (why anyone would want one is beyond me) or a Porsche. And yes I empathized with the shop owner, I will empathize with anyone who puts down his money to purchase items to sell to the public and gets robbed. The most precious commodity a person has is his time. How much ever time he took to earn the money to buy that case of candy bars to resell is time he will never get back...
Spoiler alert the business will fail due to high theft and lack of sales.
Ya think, McGee? Spoiler alert: you are preaching in a very snarky manner to the choir.

OK, yeah, I haven't played around with the emoticons in a long time...

House and Gibbs are my role models!!!


Can you please lay off all the pac-man faces? It's lame and distracting. It doesn't add anything to what you are trying to say. If anything, it will force people to quit reading what you are typing.


If you saw propaganda in this film, you were looking for it. There really aren't that many comparisons at all between the fictional electoral candidates and the 2016 real life ones. It's just a film. It was OK, nothing special, script needed way better dialogue and I was hoping for some more brutal/gory action sequences.


Just a fanatic neocon can think this movie is propadanga, it's actually a brilliant satire of the ultraconservatives, people very well known for having no sense of humour.

Juliet Parrish: You can't win a war if you're extinct!


are you *beep* kidding me?


I walked out of the sequel because of its shameless success-hating, lefty, occupy propaganda. I just saw the trailer for this, and it's 100% consistent with the sequel, but worse.

Nice try, you manipulative, media whores! The truth is out. Now, YOU emotion-driven, anti-thought, naive, undeveloped frontal lobes, adult-children are the ones purged!


What do you guys think?
We think you are too delicate a snowflake to survive The Purge.
"You're innocent when you dream" -- Tom Waits, "You Dream"
